Linked e-resources


Sabine Nuss and Florian Butollo
1. Automation: Is It Really Different This Time?
Judy Wajcman
I: Productive Power Between Revolution and Continuity
2. 'Voracious Appetite for Surplus Labour'
Elena Louisa Lange
3. Industrial Revolution and Mechanisation in Marx
Dorothea Schmidt
4. A Long History of the 'Factory without People'
Karsten Uhl
5. The Journey of the 'Automation and Qualification' Project
Frigga Haug
6. 'Forward! And Let's Remember!'
Christian Meyer
II: Robots in the Factory: Vision and Reality

7. High Tech, Low Growth: Robots and the Future of Work
Kim Moody
8. Productive Power in Concrete Terms
Sabine Pfeiffer
9. Drones, Robots, Synthetic Foods
Franza Drechsel and Kristina Dietz
III: Digital Work and Networked Production
10. Networked Technology and Production Networks
Florian Butollo
11. Computerisation: Software and the Democratisation of Work as Productive Power
Nadine Muller
12. Designing Work for Agility and Affect's Measure
Phoebe V. Moore
IV: Platform Capitalism under Scrutiny
13. Old Power in Digital Garb?
Christine Gerber

14. The Machine System of the 21st Century
Felix Gnisa
15. Digital Labour and Prosumption under Capitalism
Sebastian Sevignani
16. Artificial Intelligence as the Latest Machine of Digital Capitalism
For Now
Timo Daum
17. Forces and Relations of Control
Georg Jochum and Simon Schaupp
Notes on Contributors

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