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Table of Contents
Rampjaar reconsidered
"Disasters in the year of peace" : the first cattle plague, 1713-1720
"The fattened land turned to salted ground" : the Christmas flood of 1717 in Groningen
A plague from the sea : the shipworm epidemic, 1730-1735
"Increasingly numerous and higher floods" : the river floods of 1740-1741
"From a love of humanity and comfort for the Fatherland" : the second cattle plague, 1744-1764
The twin faces of calamity : lessons of decline and disaster.
"Disasters in the year of peace" : the first cattle plague, 1713-1720
"The fattened land turned to salted ground" : the Christmas flood of 1717 in Groningen
A plague from the sea : the shipworm epidemic, 1730-1735
"Increasingly numerous and higher floods" : the river floods of 1740-1741
"From a love of humanity and comfort for the Fatherland" : the second cattle plague, 1744-1764
The twin faces of calamity : lessons of decline and disaster.