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Part I Introduction
1. Glacially Triggered Faulting: A Historical Overview and Recent Developments (H. Steffen, O. Olesen, R. Sutinen)
2. Geomechanics of Glacially Triggered Faulting (R. Steffen, P. Wu, B. Lund)
Part II Methods and Techniques for Fault Identification and Dating
3. Earthquake-Induced Landforms in the Context of Ice-Sheet Loading and Unloading (P. B. E. Sandersen, R. Sutinen)
4. The Challenge to Distinguish Soft-Sediment Deformation Structures (SSDS) Formed by Glaciotectonic, Periglacial and Seismic Processes in a Formerly Glaciated Area: A Review and Synthesis (K. Müller, J. Winsemann, M. Pisarska-Jamroży, T. Lege, T. Spies, C. Brandes)
5. Glacially Induced Fault Identification with LiDAR, Based on Examples from Finland (J.-P. Palmu, A. Ojala, J. Mattila, M. Markovaara-Koivisto, T. Ruskeeniemi, R. Sutinen, T. Bauer, M. Keiding)
6. Fault Identification from Seismology(N. Gestermann, T. Plenefisch)
7. Imaging and Characterization of Glacially Induced Faults Using Applied Geophysics(R. Beckel, C. Juhlin, A. Malehmir, O. Ahmadi)
8. Dating of Postglacial Faults in Fennoscandia(C. A. Smith, A. Ojala, S. Grigull, H. Mikko)
9. Proposed Drilling into Postglacial Faults: The Pärvie Fault System(M. Ask, I. Kukkonen, O. Olesen, B. Lund, Å. Fagereng, J. Rutqvist, J.-E. Rosberg, H. Lorenz)
Part III Glacially Triggered Faulting in the Fennoscandian Shield
10. Seismicity and Sources of Stress in Fennoscandia(S. Gregersen, C. Lindholm, A. Korja, B. Lund, M. Uski, K. Oinonen, P. H. Voss, M. Keiding)
11. Postglacial Faulting in Norway: Large Magnitude Earthquakes of the Late Holocene Age(O. Olesen, L. Olsen, S. Gibbons, B. O. Ruud, F. Høgaas, T. A. Johansen, T. Kværna)
12. Glacially Induced Faults in Sweden: The Rise and Reassessment of the Single-Rupture Hypothesis(C. A. Smith, H. Mikko, S. Grigull)
13. Glacially Induced Faults in Finland(R. Sutinen, E. Hyvönen, M. Markovaara-Koivisto, M. Middleton, A. Ojala, J.-P. Palmu, T. Ruskeeniemi, J. Mattila)
14. Lateglacial and Postglacial Faulting in the Russian Part of the Fennoscandian Shield(S. Nikolaeva, A. Nikonov, S. Shvarev)
Part IV Glacially Triggered Faulting at the Edge and in the Periphery of the Fennoscandian Shield
15. Lateglacial and Postglacial Faulting in Denmark(P. B. E. Sandersen, S. Gregersen, P. Voss)
16. Glacially Induced Faults in Germany(K. Müller, J. Winsemann, D. Tanner, T. Lege, T. Spies, C. Brandes)
17. Glacially Induced Faulting in Poland(M. Pisarska-Jamroży, P. P. Woźniak, T. van Loon)
18. Soft-Sediment Deformation Structures in the Eastern Baltic Region: Implication in Seismicity and Glacially Triggered Faulting(A. Bitinas, J. Lazauskienė, M. Pisarska-Jamroży)
Part V Glacially Triggered Faulting Outside Europe
19. The Search for Glacially Induced Faults in Eastern Canada(J. Adams, G. R. Brooks)
20. Glacially Induced Faulting in Alaska(J. Sauber, C. Rollins, J. T. Freymueller, N. A. Ruppert)
21. Indications on Glacially Triggered Faulting in Polar Areas(H. Steffen, R. Steffen)
Part VI Modelling of Glacially Induced Faults and Stress
22. Glacial Isostatic Adjustment Models for Earthquake Triggering(P. Wu, R. Steffen, H. Steffen, B. Lund)
23. Crustal-Scale Stress Modelling to Investigate Glacially Triggered Faulting(S. Gradmann, R. Steffen)
Part VII Outlook
24. Future Research on Glacially Triggered Faulting and Intraplate Seismicity(O. Olesen, H. Steffen, R. Sutinen)

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