

Introduction / Richard Weston
Forewords to the first, second and third editions / Nikolaus Pevsner
1. Theories of art from Morris to Gropius
John Ruskin
William Morris
The arts and crafts movement
Deutscher Werkbund
2. From eighteen-fifty-one to Morris and the arts and crafts movement
The great exhibition
Owen Jones and The grammar of ornament
The domestic revival
The aesthetic movement
3. Eighteen-ninety in painting
Paul Cézanne and the revolution in painting
The symbolist movement
The Pont-Aven School
Poster art
4. Art nouveau
Victor Horta
Henri Van de Velde
Louis Comfort Tiffany and Emile Gallé
Influential magazines
5. Engineering and architecture in the nineteenth century
Railway stations
The Chicago School
Eugène-Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc
Gustave Eiffel
6. England, eighteen-ninety to nineteen-fourteen
The garden city movement
Mackintosh and the Glasgow School
Charles Francis Annesley Voysey
7. The modern movement before nineteen-fourteen
The Vienna Sezession and Wiener Werkstatte
Frank Lloyd Wright
Walter Gropius and the modern movement.

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