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[PART 1] Critical contexts
"The air swarmed with Catherines": moving words and stereoscopic narrative in 'Wuthering Heights'
The myth of the Brontës
"It is only English girls who can thus be trusted to travel alone": class, travel, and work in Charlotte Brontë's 'Villette'
Lucy Snowe in Belgium: work and colonialism in Charlotte Brontë's 'Villette'

[PART 2] Critical readings
Charlotte Brontë's 'The professor': overbearing men and the gleam of female intellect
Emily Brontë: the man Branwell should have been
The experience of marriage in Anne Brontë's 'The tenant of Wildfell Hall'
'Jane Eyre,' by Charlotte Brontë: a survey of editorial introductions, 1950–1989
'Jane Eyre,' by Charlotte Brontë: a survey of editorial introductions, 1990–2020
'Wuthering Heights,' by Emily Brontë: a survey of editorial introductions, 1950–1989
'Wuthering Heights,' by Emily Brontë: a survey of editorial introductions, 1990–2020
Charlotte Brontë's "other" novels: a survey of editorial introductions, 1974–2008
'Agnes Grey' and 'The tenant of Wildfell Hall', by Anne Brontë: a survey of editorial introductions
The 1996 film of 'Jane Eyre': a survey of reviews
The 2009 film of 'Wuthering Heights': critical problems and possibilities
The 2011 film of 'Wuthering Heights': a survey of reviews.

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