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Dedication; Acknowledgments; Books by Michael Brecher; Contents; Chapter 1: Introduction: Many Paths to€Knowledge; Chapter 2: Prelude to€an€Intellectual Odyssey; Years of€Awakening (1936-46); Spanish Civil War (1936-39); Munich Agreement (1938); High School (1938-42); Student Years at McGill (1942-46); The Holocaust (1945); Yale Graduate Studies (1946-49); Pioneers in€International Relations; Library of€Congress (1947); The€UN (1948); Israel: Formative Years (1949-51); Phases of€an€Intellectual Odyssey; Encounters with€Pierre Elliott Trudeau; Beginnings of€the€South Asia€Phase (1951-53).

Bombay (May-June 1951)Delhi (June-July 1951, October 1951-February 1952); Vale of€Kashmir (July-September 1951); Meaning of€Kashmir; The Struggle for€Kashmir€(1953):€Contents; Chapter 3: Political Leaders: India (1951-91); In Quest of€Jawaharlal Nehru (1955-1989); Preparing the€Way; London Phase (May-November 1955); Interviews with€Lord Mountbatten (November 1955); Entrée to€Nehru (December 1955); Discovery of€the€Indian Village (January-February 1956); Rationale of€Nehru Project; Encounters with€Nehru (1956-63); Tour with€Nehru (March 1956); Interviews (June 1956).

On Gandhi and€Non-Violence€On the€Partition of€India€; On India's Achievements Since Independence€; On Socialism€; On China€; On Foreign Policy, War, and€Non-Alignment€; On the€USA and€the€Soviet Union€; On Kashmir and€Indo-Pakistan Relations€; On the€Bandung Conference, Israel, and€the€Arabs€; On India and€the€Commonwealth€; On 'After Nehru'€; On the€Good Society€; Portrait of€the€Man; Nehru as€an€Intellectual; Interview with€Nehru (January 1958); Interim Assessment in€Nehru: A€Political Biography (1959); Last Interview with€Nehru (December 1963).

Further Interim Assessment (November 1964)Nehru and€Shastri: Nehru's Mantle: The€Politics of€Succession in€India (1964, 1966); Political Succession: Universal Problem; Preparing the€Ground; Key Actors; Findings on€Succession to€Nehru (1964); Succession to€Shastri (1966); Two Succession Games: A€Comparison; Nehru's Mantle: The€Politics of€Succession in€India (1966); Nehru as€a€Political Leader: Final Assessment (November 1989)1; Encounters with€Krishna Menon (1964-67); Rationale for€the€Menon Project; Background and€Personality; Content of€the€Interviews; Interview on€Non-Alignment.

Analysis of€Menon's View of€the€World On the€Superpowers and€the€Bloc Struggle; On the€Concept, 'Area of€Peace'; On the€UN; On Britain; On Nuclear Weapons; On Pakistan; On China; Intellectual Legacy of€the€South Asia Phase (1951-1989); Other Research-Related Activities in€the€South Asia Phase; The New States of€Asia (1963); University Of€Chicago (1963); Creation of€the€Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute (1965); Notes; Chapter 4: First-Generation Israeli Leaders (1948-77); David BEN-GURION and Moshe SHARETT; Contrasting Personalities: 'Courage versus Caution'; Contrasting Worldviews.

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