

Preface to the English edition
Chapter 1. The birth of the Japan-US security treaty: 1. The Cold War and Japanese National Security
2. The US government's stance
3. The Japanese government's stance
4. Japanese-US negotiations.
Chapter 2. Incremental rearmament: 1. Pressure for strengthened self-defence
2. The Ikeda-Robertson talks
3. A new perspective on Japan
4. The Yoshida Doctrine and the security treasury.
Chapter 3. A stillborn scheme for revising the security treaty: 1. A proposal for a mutual-defense treaty
2. A US military withdrawal
3. A step toward revision.
Chapter 4. The irony of the treaty revision: 1. Kishi's 1957 US state visit and the two-stage treaty revision
2. Change in the US stance and the role of MacArthur's recommendations
3. Kishi's decision
4. The shape of the revised treaty.
Chapter 5. Issues for the new treaty: 1. The significance of geographical scope
2. Prior consultation
3. Appraisal of the revised treaty.
Chapter 6. Continuing to look into prior consultation and the secret agreements: 1. Port calls by nuclear-armed US Naval vessels
2. Mobilization of Japan-based US forces in response to military emergencies on the Korean Peninsula
3. Conclusion.

Documents: Security treaty between Japan and the United States of America (former US-Japan Security Treaty)
Notes exchanged between Prime Minister Yoshida and Secretary of State Acheson at the time of the signing of the security treaty between Japan and the United States of America
Treaty of mutual cooperation and security between Japan and the United States of America
Exchanged notes, regarding the implementation of Article VI of Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security between Japan and the United States of America
Exchanged notes, regarding exchanged notes between Prime Minister Yoshida and Secretary of State Acheson.
References: Primary sources ; Books ; Papers and book chapters, etc. ; Periodicals
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