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Towards the river's mouth / Gianni Celati
Gianni Celati's Towards the river's mouth: the experience of place between writing and photography / Marina Spunta
Sight, language, time: to be surrounded by the world / Monica Seger
Gianni Celati's Strada provinciale delle anime: a "silent" film about "nothing" / Rebecca West
The posthuman imagination of Gianni Celati's cinema / Matteo Gilebbi
Restoring the imagination of place: narrative reinhabitation and the Po Valley / Serenella Iovino
Forms of impegno in Towards the river's mouth / Michele Ronchi Stefanati
Witnessing the Po River: disorientation and estrangement in Primo Levi and Gianni Celati / Damiano Benvegnù
A tale of two Giannis: writing as rememoration / Thomas Harrison
Walking in the open enchanted by the overheard: two reflections on Towards the river's mouth / Massimo Rizzante
Introduction to paesology / Franco Arminio.

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