Linked e-resources
Table of Contents
Universal design in a digital world
iAccessibility from iTunes 1.0 to iPad
Building digital stairways: nice view, but what about my wheelchair?
We want you in our network: universal design v retrofitting the web
(Physical) disability is a form of social oppression?
Does that face-"book" come in braille? Social networking sites and disability
Avatars with wheelchairs, but no virtual guide dogs: disability and second Life
Challenges and opportunities: the road ahead for disability in a digital world.
iAccessibility from iTunes 1.0 to iPad
Building digital stairways: nice view, but what about my wheelchair?
We want you in our network: universal design v retrofitting the web
(Physical) disability is a form of social oppression?
Does that face-"book" come in braille? Social networking sites and disability
Avatars with wheelchairs, but no virtual guide dogs: disability and second Life
Challenges and opportunities: the road ahead for disability in a digital world.