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Worlds of kin: An introduction / Thom van Dooren and Matthew Chrulew
The sociality of birds : reflections on ontological edge effects / Anna Tsing
Loving the difficult : Scotch broom / Catriona Sandilands
Awakening to the call of others : what I learned from existential ecology / Isabelle Stengers
Speculative fabulations for technoculture's generations : taking care of unexpected country / Donna Haraway
The disappearing snails of Hawai'i : storytelling for a time of extinctions / Thom van Dooren
Roadkill : multispecies mobility and everyday ecocide / Kate Rigby and Owain Jones
After nature : totemism revisited / Stephen Muecke
Telling one's story in the hearing of buffalo : liturgical interventions from beyond the year zero / James Hatley
Ending with the wind, crying the dawn / Bawaka Country, including Sandie Suchet-Pearson, Kate Lloyd, Sarah Wright, Laklak Burarrwanga, Ritjilili Ganambarr, Merrkiyawuy Ganambarr-Stubbs, Banbapuy Ganambarr, and Djawundil Maymuru
Animality and the life of the spirit / Colin Dayan
Life Is a woven basket of relations / Kate Wright
Afterword: Memories with Deborah Rose / Linda Payi Ford.

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