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Intro; Contents; Part I; Chapter 1: The Tokyo Tribunal, Justice, and International Order; Chapter 2: In the Shadow of the Paris Peace Conference: Behind the Scene of the International Military Tribunal for the Far East; International Law Awakens as an Instrument of Foreign Policy; Limiting Peace Through Cooperation; Securing Peace by Law: The Return of 1919 International Order; Chapter 3: The IMTFE as a Venue for Legislating Process; Chapter 4: The Hegemonic Narrative of the Pacific War: Japan's Conspired and Aggressive War

Chapter 5: The Partial Interest for Victims and Strategic "Forgetting" at the Tokyo TribunalChapter 6: Emperor Hirohito as the Japanese Kaiser and Selection of the IMTFE Defendants; The Divinity Shielded from the Trial; Frying the Big Fish: The Main Defendants at the Tokyo Trial and the Process of Establishing Major War Criminals List; Part II; Chapter 7: Towards the Post-institutional Phase of the Tokyo Tribunal: Narratives, Sentences, Detentions; The Institutional Apogee of the Tribunal: The Dissipating Legal, Historical, and Political Narratives

No Mercy for Class A War Criminals: Sentenced Without Appeal and ReviewLustration for the Class A War Criminals Suspects; Chapter 8: Forgiveness by Law and Dilemmas on the Nature of the War Criminal Program in Japan; SCAP Parole System and War Criminal Policies; The San Francisco Peace Treaty and Relics of War; Behind the Clemency and Parole: Forgiveness by Law; Legalism Until the Very End: War Criminal Program and the Clemency and Parole Board; Forever Unified by Legal Foundation: Last Phase of the War Criminal Program in Nuremberg and Tokyo

Chapter 9: Stagnation and Confusion: The Incoherencies of the War Criminal Program in JapanRegional Powerplay Outside of the IMTFE; Impossible to Ignore: The Public Sphere and the War Criminal Cause; Chapter 10: From Criminals to Spirits: Class A War Criminals; Hiding Behind the Curtain of "Legalism"; Difficult Road Towards the Release; The Hatoyama Cabinet and the Shifting Policies: Jyūnen Hito Mukashi; Criminals to Men: The Diplomatic Success of the Kishi Cabinet; Men to Spirits: Class A War Criminals Were Forgiven; Chapter 11: International Criminal Tribunals: Cui Bono?

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