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Activity Rhythms Measurement in Suspension Feeders
Animal Forest Through the Time: Historical Data to Understand Present Changes in Marine Ecosystems
Animal Forests of the World: an overview
Antarctic Marine Animal Forests ? Three-Dimensional Communities in Southern Ocean Ecosystems
Complexity and Biodiversity in Caribbean Coral Reefs
Connexion of the Animal Forest with Land Ecosystems: The Example of Mangroves
Corals as Architects of the Oceans
Diversity and Evolution of Octocoral Animal Forests at Both Sides of Tropical America
Ecosystem Functions and Services of the Marine Animal Forests
Ecosystem-based Management: Opportunities and Challenges for Application in the Ocean Forest
Evolution of the Marine Animal Forest
Filter-feeding Zoobenthos and Hydrodynamics
Harvesting and Collection of Animal Forest Species
Interaction and Competition for Space in the Animal Forest
Limits of Photoadaptation and Photoacclimation in Symbiotic Corals
Macroalgae in the Animal Forest: The Example of Coral Reefs and the Mediterranean Coralligene
Marine Animal Forests in South Atlantic Waters: A New World to Discover
Neglected Part of the Animal Forest: Hydrozoans as an Example
Octocoral and Hexacoral Diseases in a Changing Ocean
Pollution Effects on Tropical Animal Forests
Role of Fishes in Tropical Coral Reefs
Secondary Metabolites and Chemical Ecology in the Animal Forest
Seston Quality and Available Food: Importance in the Benthic Biogeochemical Cicles
Where Seaweed Forests Meet Animal Forests: the Examples of Macroalgae in Coral Reefs and the Mediterranean Coralligene
Why Corals Should Care About Ocean Acidification: General Consensus and Misconceptions
Benthic-pelagic Coupling: New Perspectives in the Animal Forests
Drawing the Line at Neglected Marine Ecosystems: Ecology of Vermetid Reefs in a Changing Ocean
Energetics, Particle Capture, and Trophic Ecology of Suspension Feeders
Importance of Recruitment Processes in the Dynamics and Resilience of Reef Coral Assemblages
Living in the Canopy of the Animal forest: Physical and Chemical Aspects
Resilience of the Animal Forest
Demography of Animal Forests: the Example of Mediterranean Gorgonians
Genetic Connectivity in Harvested and not Harvested Species: Resilience and Management
Mesophotic Coral Ecosystems
Restoration of the Animal Forests: Considering Silviculture Concepts in Coral Transplantation
Sponge Grounds as Key Marine Habitats: a Synthetic Review of Types, Structure, Functional Roles, and Conservation Concerns
Threats Affecting the Calcium Carbonate Budget of the Animal Forest
Animal Forest in the Chilean Fiords: Discoveries and Perspectives in Shallow and Deep Waters
Animal Forests in Deep Coastal Bottoms and Continental Shelves of the Mediterranean Sea
Coexistence in Cold Waters: Animal Forests in Seaweed-Dominated Habitats in Southern High-Latitudes
Conservation and Management of Vulnerable Marine Benthic Ecosystems
Framework-forming Scleractinian Cold-water Corals Through Space and Time: A Late Quaternary North Atlantic Perspective
Global Biodiversity in Cold-Water Coral Reef Ecosystems
Growth Patterns in Long-lived Benthic Suspension Feeders
Impact of Bottom Fishing on Animal Forests: Science, Conservation and Fisheries Management
Measuring the Impact of Anthropogenic Activity on Cold-water corals
Suprabenthic Communities: the Forgotten Biodiversity.

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