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Overview: Introduction; Intergenerational mobility in education around the world; Pathways to intergenerational mobility in education and income; Why does intergenerational mobility matter? Policy drivers to improve intergenerational mobility; Conclusion: a few principles for IGM-enhancing policies; References
Chapter 1. Economic mobility across generations: why it matters: What is meant by intergenerational mobility? Why is mobility across generations important? Measuring economic mobility globally with education; A road map of the report; References
Chapter 2. Concepts of intergenerational mobility, data, and methodology: Measures of intergenerational mobility in education; Data for estimating intergenerational mobility in education worldwide; Methodological choices; Measuring intergenerational mobility for developing economies - a pragmatic approach; Annex 2A; References
Chapter 3. Intergenerational mobility in education around the world: Fair progress? Trends and patterns in educational mobility; Greater mobility is associated with better economic outcomes; Mobility in some of the world's largest developing economies; Mobility across multiple generations: do grandparents matter? What do today's enrollments suggest about intergenerational mobility of the next generation? Conclusions and a summary of key findings; Annex 3A; References

Chapter 4. Pathways to intergenerational mobility in education and income: Relative mobility in income around the world; Income mobility and educational mobility: how they are related; Why incomes persist from one generation to the next; Equality of opportunity as a pathway to greater IGM; Inequality of opportunity emerges at various stages of the life cycle; Equalizing opportunities at different life stages - chapters 5 and 6; Annex 4A; The relationship between IGM in earnings and IGM in education; References
Chapter 5. Equalizing opportunities for children to achieve fair progress: Inequality of opportunity among children in the developing world; The importance of improving the early life environment; Reducing opportunity gaps in education can improve mobility; Breaking the cycle of low aspirations and low mobility; The importance of neighborhoods and local environments; Conclusion; Annex 5A; References
Chapter 6. Promoting intergenerational mobility: the role of factor markets and policies: Labor markets and intergenerational mobility; Capital markets as a barrier to intergenerational mobility; Economic transformation and intergenerational mobility; The role of fiscal policy in promoting intergenerational mobility; Why are mobility-enhancing policies not adopted or implemented effectively often enough? Concluding thoughts: policy drivers of intergenerational mobility; References.

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