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The qualitative tradition. Historical overview of qualitative research in the social sciences / Svend Brinkmann, Michael Hviid Jacobsen, and Soren Kristiansen
The history of historical-comparative methods in sociology / Chares Demetriou and Victor Roudometof
The centrality of ethics in qualitative research / Anna Traianou
Approaches to qualitative research. Philosophical approaches to qualitative research / Renée Spencer, Julia M. Pryce, and Jill Walsh
Applied interpretive approaches / Sally E. Thorne
The grounded theory method / Antony Bryant
Feminist qualitative research: toward transformation of science and society / Maureen C. McHugh
Critical approaches to qualitative research / Kum-Kum Bhavnani, Peter Chua, and Dana Collins
Decolonizing research practice: indigenous methodologies, aboriginal methods, and knowledge/knowing / Mike Evans, Adrian Miller, Peter Hutchinson, and Carlene Dingwall
Narrative inquiry, field research, and interview methods. Practicing narrative inquiry / Arthur P. Bochner and Nicholas A. Riggs
Ethnography / Anthony Kwame Harrison
The purposes, practices, and principles of autoethnographic research / Carolyn Ellis and Tony E. Adams
Unstructured and semi-structured interviewing / Svend Brinkmann
Oral history interviewing: issues and possibilities / Valerie J. Janesick
Focus group research: retrospect and prospect / George Kamberelis and Greg Dimitriadis
Museum studies / Erica L. Tucker
Text, arts-based, and internet methods. Content analysis / Lindsay Prior
Photography as a research method / Gunilla Holm
Arts-based research practice: merging social research and the creative arts / Gioia Chilton and Patricia Leavy
Qualitative approaches in internet-mediated research: opportunities, issues, possibilities / Claire Hewson.

Multi-method, mixed-method, and participatory designs. Case study research: in-depth understanding in context / Helen Simons
Program evaluation / Paul R. Brandon and Anna L. Ah Sam
Community-based research: understanding the principles, practices, challenges, and rationale / Margaret R. Boyd
Lineages: a past, present, and future of participatory action research / Sarah M. Zeller-Berkman
Qualitative disaster research / Brenda D. Phillips
Conducting mixed methods research: using dialectical pluralism and social psychological strategies / R. Burke Johnson, Anthony J. Onwuegbuzie, Susan A. Tucker, and Marjorie L. Icenogle
Analysis, interpretation, representation, and evaluation. Coding and analysis strategies / Johnny Saldan̋a
Computer-assisted analysis of qualitative research / Christina Silver and Ann F. Lewins
Interpretation strategies: appropriate concepts / Allen Trent and Jeasik Cho
Writing up qualitative research / Jane F. Gilgun
Evaluating qualitative research / Jeasik Cho and Allen Trent
Conclusion: politics and the public. The politics of research / Michael D. Giardina and Joshua I. Newman
A brief statement on the public and the future of qualitative research / Patricia Leavy.

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