

The formal charges against Socrates / Thomas C. Brickhouse and Nicholas D. Smith
Did Plato write Socratic dialogues? / Charles H. Kahn
Socratic midwifery, Platonic inspiration / Myles F. Burnyeat
Socratic irony / Gregory Vlastos
Plato's early theory of knowledge / Paul Woodruff
Does Socrates commit the Socratic fallacy? / John Beversluis
Misunderstanding the "what-is-F-ness?" question / Hugh H. Benson
Elenchus and mathematics : a turning-point in Plato's philosophical development / Gregory Vlastos
The unity of virtue / Terry Penner
Socrates' use of the techne-analogy / David L. Roochnik
Socrates the epicurean / Terence H. Irwin
Socratic piety in the Euthyphro / Mark L. McPherran.

Ho Agathos as Ho Dunatos in the Hippias Minor / Roslyn Weiss
Socrates on desire for the good and the involuntariness of wrongdoing : Gorgias 446a-468e / Kevin McTighe
Meno's paradox and Socrates as a teacher / Alexander Nehamas.

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