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Thirst: For knowledge of the past and lessons for the future
The water revolution: The origins of water management in the Levant, 1.5 million years ago to 700 BC
'The black fields became white/the broad plain was choked with salt': Water management and the rise and fall of Sumerian civilisation, 5000-1600 BC
'Water is the best thing of all' - Pindar of Thebes, 476 BC: Water management by the Minoans, Mycenaeans, and Ancient Greeks, 1800-146 BC
A watery paradise in Petra: The Nabataeans, masters of the desert, 300 BC-AD 106
Building rivers and taking baths: Rome and Constantinople, 400 BC-AD 800
A million men with teaspoons: Hydraulic engineering in Ancient China, 900 BC-AD 907
The hydraulic city: Water management by the kings of Angkor, AD 802-1327
Almost a civilisation: Hohokam irrigation in the American South-West, AD 1-1450
Life and death of the water lily monster: Water and the rise and fall of Mayan civilisation, 2000 BC-AD 1000
Water poetry in the Sacred Valley: Hydraulic engineering by the Incas, AD 1200-1572
An unquenched thirst: For water and for knowledge of the past.

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