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Cognitive therapy for depression / Keith S. Dobson
Initial assessment, case conceptualization, and treatment planning / Mark A. Whisman & Lauren M. Weinstock
Severe depression / Sona Dimidjian ... [et al.]
Chronic depression / Anne Garland & Jan Scott
Drug resistant and partially remitted depression / Giovanni A. Fava & Stefania Fabbri
Preventing recurrent depression / Robin B. Jarrett, Jeffrey R. Vittengl, & Lee Anna Clark

Suicide / Marjan Ghahramanlou-Holloway, Gregory K. Brown, & Aaron T. Beck
Panic disorder and social phobia / Michael W. Otto ... [et al.]
Generalized anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and posttraumatic stress disorder / Alisa R. Singer, Keith S. Dobson, & David J.A. Dozois
Substance use disorders / Cory F. Newman
Personality disorders / Arthur Freeman & Gwen E. Rock
Borderline personality disorder / Clive J. Robins ... [et al.]

Medical conditions / Kenneth E. Freedland, Robert M. Carney, & Judith A. Skala
Family or relationship problems / Lisa A. Uebelacker, Marjorie E. Weishaar, & Ivan W. Miller
Ethnic minorities / Laura Kohn-Wood, Glenetta Hudson, & Erin T. Graham
Lesbian, gay, and bisexual women and men / Christopher R. Martell
Adolescents / Mark Reinecke & John F. Curry
Older adults / Patricia A. Areán & Leilani Feliciano.

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