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Section I. Changing context of the global forest sector
Understanding and Managing Change in a Global Forest Sector
The Impact of Globalization on Forest Users : Trends and Opportunities
Section II. Changes in product categories and individual markets
Markets and Market Forces for Lumber
Markets and Market Forces for Secondary Wood Products
Markets and Market Forces for Pulp and Paper Products
New Products and Product Categories in the Forest Sector
The Chinese Era
Russia in the Global Forest Sector
Section III. The forest sector within an environmental paradigm
Environmental Activism and the Global Forest Sector
Implementing Sustainability in the Forestry Sector : Toward the Convergence of Public and Private Forest Policy
Green Building and the Forest Sector
An Assessment of Global Wood-based Bioenergy
Section IV. Capability development and strategic imperatives for the forest sector
The Current and Future Role of Information Technology in the Forest Sector
Cross-cultural Sales, Marketing, and Management Issues in the Global Forest Sector
Corporate Social Responsibility in the Global Forest Sector
Innovation in the Global Forest Sector
Strategic Orientations in the Global Forest Sector
Section V. Bringing it all together
What Now, Mr. Jones? : Some Thoughts about Today's Forest Sector and Tomorrow's Great Leap Forwards.

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