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1. C-based materials on a nanoscale : synthesis, properties, applications, and economical aspects / Hans-Jörg Fecht and Kai Brühne
2. Synthesis of nanodiamond / Matthias Wiora, Kai Brühne, and Hans-Jörg Fecht
3. Advanced carbon aerogels for energy applications / Juergen Biener, Michael Stadermann, Matthew Suss, Marcus A. Worsley, Monika M. Biener, and Theodore F. Baumann
4. Carbon electronics / Colin Johnston
5. Nanoscopic interfacial water layers on nanocrystalline diamond : from biosensors to nanomedicine / Andrei P. Sommer and Hans-Jörg Fecht
6. Synthesis of carbon nanotubes and their relevant properties / Aljoscha Roch, Esther Roch Talens, Beata Lehmann, Oliver Jost, and Andreas Leson
7. Industrial applications and commercial perspectives of nanocrystalline diamond / Matthias Wiora, Ralph Gretzschel, Stefan Strobel, and Peter Gluche
8. Economic analysis of market opportunities for CNTs and nanodiamond / Matthias Werner, Mario Markanovic, Catharina-Sophie Ciesla, and Leif Brand.

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