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Introduction: Capturing the Image
Part One: Thomas Hardy, Photography, and Reality. Chapter One: The Figure of the Author and Amateur Photography ; Chapter Two: Obscuring the Boundaries: Art, Imagination, Photography
Part Two: Bram Stoker, Theatrical Culture, and the Photographic Heritage of the Vampire. Chapter Three: Photography, Promotion, and the Theatrical Profession in Bram Stoker's Correspondence ; Chapter Four: 'Could not codak him': Theatrical Monsters and Popular Photography
Part Three: Joseph Conrad: Photography, Identity, and Modernity. Chapter Five: Past and Present Lives: Conrad, Heritage, and Literary Celebrity ; Chapter Six: Modernity, Mass Media, and Moving Pictures
Part Four: Photography, Composition, Memory: Virginia Woolf's Early Prose and Family Albums. Chapter Seven: Photography and Woolf's Non-Fiction ; Chapter Eight: Woolf as Rachel Vinrace: Biography, Photography, and The Voyage Out (1915) Coda(k): Professional Writing, Leisure, and Class

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