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Foreword / Victor Neumann, Armin Heinen
Is rewriting Romanian history useful? : the evolution of socio-political concepts and alternative interpretations / Victor Neumann
On the process of writing the history of Romania : methodological issues / Armin Heinen
Some reflections on historical semantics, political modernity and Romanian history (1780-1939) / Alexandre Escudier
The concept of patriotism in Romanian culture / Klaus Bochmann
Romanian liberalism (1821-1866) / Keith Hitchins
Democracy, democratic, democratization / Wim van Meurs
The concept of progress : the fraught relation between liberalism and state intervention / Angela Harre
The concept of property in Romania's economic-legal history / Dietmar Müller
The notion of Europe from the perspective of Romanian historical studies / Hans Christian Maner
Images of Europe : images of Romania (1945/1948-2008) / Armin Heinen
The concept of constitution in the history of Romanian legal thought / Edda Binder Iijima
The concept of national style in artistic historiography : asserting a critical vocabulary / Ruxandra Demetrescu
The conceptualization of national character in the Romanian intellectual tradition / Balázs Trencsényi
Neam (Romanian for kin) and popor (Romanian for people) : the notions of Romanian ethno-centrism / Victor Neumann
The concept of totalitarianism in Romanian socio-political languages / Victor Neumann
Transition, transitions : the conceptualization of change in Romanian culture / Mirela-Luminita Murgescu, Bogdan Murgescu
The history of politics as a dispute around the concepts of politics, statesman political person, politician / Armin Heinen
Summary : key-concepts of Romanian history : alternative approaches to socio-political languages / Victor Neumann, Armin Heinen.

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