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The wasted flowers
The blackbirds
The rose on the rock
The wind in the pines
The laughing water
The gnarled tree
The first autumn leaf
The butterfly in the dust
The hidden cascade
The fort on the beach
Buttercups and dandelions
A page from nature's book
Impressions of raindrops
The lost gem
Death of the bud and the blossom
La montagne qui trempe a l'eau
The whippoorwill
The child and the firefllies
The great Palimpsest
Rainbows every where
The song before the storm
Flowers beneath dead leaves
Mississippi and Missouri
The moon
The prairie violets
The web in the path
Lilla's lilies
The maid of the mist
Our father's house
Light on the clouds
The boy and the orange trees
The doves in the court house
The broken icicle
The veiled star
The fairy in the ice forest
The steam whistle
Dew on the grass blade
The sea and the sky
A gleam of sunshine
The smile of the great spirit.

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