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Title Page
Part I
1. A Shelter for Runaway Slaves
2. A Crossroads
3. A Spark, a Solution, the Industrial Revolution
4. From Here to There and Back Again
5. A Peanut Ruse
6. The Legend of Ndakaaru
7. The Caravan
8. Those of the Sand
9. A Middleman
Part II
10. The People Who Came from the Sea
11. The African Business
12. Unholy Wars
13. A Word on Slavery
14. This Black Man from Gorée
15. Lat Joor Wants His Slaves Back
Part III
16. A Sickness with No Name
17. A Native Evangelist
18. Ceebu Jën

19. A Steamboat on Land
20. The Ebbs and Flows of My Courage
Part IV
21. Saxayaay
22. Springtime in Paris
23. Reports from the Rivers
24. A New Appeal
25. The Fifteen Captives of Ndiack Ndiaye
26. The Future of France
27. A Word on Freedom
28. The Civilizing Mission
29. A Stain That Must Be Washed
Part V
30. A Delicate Business
31. You Will Find Only Jackals and Hyenas
32. A Colleague and a Partner
33. Since the Invention of the Peanut
34. Special Seeds
35. Interregnums
36. The Propagation of French Culture?
Part VI
37. The Damel

38. Bethesda
39. Poor Lat Joor
40. Go East!
41. The Dawn of a New Era
42. We Have Already Proven That the Negro Is Capable
Part VII
43. Lost and Found (Ephemera)
44. Why Have the Peanuts Degenerated?
45. Kerbala
46. On the Run
47. Your Civilization Has Not Dazzled Him
48. This Land of My Ancestors
49. A Peanut Fable
50. One of the Most Delicate Questions
51. A Child from the Dark Continent
52. Emaciated Lands
53. Drink My Cup to the Dregs
54. The Crushing Supremacy of the Peanut
55. What Remained

A Note on Sources
About the Author
Publishing in the Public Interest

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