

1. Mass, media, and politics in the United States. The mass media and specialized news media
Centrality of the media to today's politics
The interdependence of journalists, politicians, and the mass media
Models of the mass media
Theories of mass communications
Studying the mass and the media
Structure of the book. 2. The media as a political institution. Historical development of the media-government relationship
The electronic broadcast media
High-tech media: a new era in media-government relations?
Consequences fo the new era for mass politics
THe politics of regulation
The polictics of public and semipublic ownership
Media-government relationships and models fo the press. 3. What's news? The news productr and models of the mass media
Defining what's news
News coverage of politics
Values reflected in news coverage. 4. Newsgathering: business, profession, and organization. Economic influences on newsgathering
Profit, advertising, and ratings
Media users and audiences for the news
Corporate decision making: boardroom versus newroom
Professional influences and structure
Organizational constraints
On the media business and models fo the press. 5. Political institutions and the mass media. The institutional basis of newsgathering
The presidency
Federal courts
The view from entertainment land
Institutional agenda-setting
On the media as a linkage institution
On models of the press. 6. The media, political knowledge, and the political attitudes. Theories of media effects
Political knowledge as arequisite fore a healthy democracy
Political socialization, trust, and social capital
Political evaluations and policy support
The media, political knowledge, and polictical attitudes. 7. Agenda-setting, priming, and framing.. Psychological foundations
types of agenda-setting
Public agenda-setting
Framing issues
Individual-level moderators. 8. The mass media and elections. The nature of election coverage: free media
Political advertising: paid media
Media effects: theory and evidence
The internet as a new campaign medium. 9. Media models, linkage institutions, and representative democracy. Media models: what is supported by the evidence
Meida models: what should we want?
Contenet anaylsis

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