

The social calculus : Statistics as a social science : The politics of political arithmetic ; The numbers of a dynamic society
The laws that govern chaos : Quetelet and the numerical regularities of society ; Liberal politics and statistical laws
From nature's urn to the insurance office
The supreme law of unreason : The errors of art and nature : Quetelet: error and variation
Social law and natural science : Molecules and social physics ; Galton and the reality of variation
The science of uncertainty : Statistical law and human freedom : The opponents of statistics ; Statistics and free will ; The science of diversity ; Statistik: between nature and history
Time's arrow and statistical uncertainty in physics and philosophy : Buckle's laws and Maxwell's demon ; Boltzmann, statistics, and irreversibility ; Pierce's rejection of necessity
Polymathy and discipline : The mathematics of statistics : Lexi's index of dispersion ; Edgeworth: mathematics and economics
The roots of biometrical statistics : Galton's biometrical analogies ; Regression and correlation ; Pearson and mathematical biometry.

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