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Introduction: Authoring Culture. A Critical Cultural Legal Studies. Against Culture(s). Anthropology's Trademark and Its Academic Others. Authoring Alterity. Contested Cultures. Legalities,Identities, and Mass Media. Authorship and Alterity
Objects of Property and Subjects of Politics: Objects and Subjects. Historicizing the Subject. Postmodern Culture. It's a Small, Small world. Postmodern Goods. Author(iz)ing the Corporate Persona. Manufacturing Distinction. Fixing the Signifier/Owning the Sign. Activist Appropriations. PolicingPostmodern Precincts. Xerox Cultures. Dialogicsof Postmodern Politics
Author(iz)ing the Celebrity: Engendering Alternative Identities: The Value of the CelebrityPersona. CelebrityAuthorship. The CelebrityForm and the Politicsof Postmodernism. Doing Gender. Respecting Judy. Fictionalized Sexualities. Enterprising Women. Engendering and EndangeringAlternative Identities
Tactics of Appropriation and the Politics of Recognition: PoliticalArticulations. Official Signifiers. Postmodernity and the Rumor. Racial Inscriptions and Iterations. Corporeal Vulnerability. Signifyin(g) Powers
Embodied Trademarks: Mimesis and Alterity on American Commercial Frontiers. Mimicry, Alterity, and Embodiment. Marked and Unmarked Bodies. Contemporary Contestations. Fighting Redskins. Consuming Crazy Horse. Mimicking Authors at the Altars of Property
The Properties of Culture and the Politics of Possessing Identity: Whose VoiceIs It Anyway? The European Art/Culture System. Contemporary Properties of Culture and Identity. Listening to Native Claims "in Context". Representation without Representation: Visibility without Voice. Possessive Individualism Revisited: Authorship and Cultural Identity. Aboriginal Title
Dialogic Democracy I: Authorship and Alterity in Public Spheres: The Author in the Modern Public Sphere. FreeSpeech in the Condition of Postmodernity. Objects and Subjects Redux
Dialogic Democracy II: Alterity and Articulation in the Space of the Political: Locating the Politics of the Public Sphere. Mass Mediation and the Publics of Civil Society. The Spaceof the Signature. The Unworked Community. An Ethics of Contingency.

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