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Table of Contents
Prologue: The Limits of Flexibility
Introduction: The Pacific Rim in the Atlantic World
1. Brazil's Japan: Film and the Space of Ethnicity, 1960/1970
2. Beautiful Bodies and (Dis)Appearing Identities: Contesting Images of Japanese-Brazilian Ethnicity, 1970/1980
3. Machine Guns and Honest Faces: Japanese-Brazilian Ethnicity and Armed Struggle, 1964/1980
4. Two Deaths Remembered
5. How Shizuo Osawa Became "Mario the Jap"
Epilogue: Diaspora and Its Discontents.
Introduction: The Pacific Rim in the Atlantic World
1. Brazil's Japan: Film and the Space of Ethnicity, 1960/1970
2. Beautiful Bodies and (Dis)Appearing Identities: Contesting Images of Japanese-Brazilian Ethnicity, 1970/1980
3. Machine Guns and Honest Faces: Japanese-Brazilian Ethnicity and Armed Struggle, 1964/1980
4. Two Deaths Remembered
5. How Shizuo Osawa Became "Mario the Jap"
Epilogue: Diaspora and Its Discontents.