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Introduction: The resurgence of whitelash : white supremacy, resistance, and the racialized social system in Trumptopia / David G. Embrick, J. Scott Carter, and Cameron D. Lippard
Post-color blindness? Trump and the rise of the new white nationalism / Ashley "Woody" Doane
The unblackening : "white" license and the "nice racism" trope / Johnny E. Williams
Political correctness : a genuine concern for discussion or slippery language rooted in racial animosity / J. Scott Carter and J. Micah Roos
Diversity regimes : how university diversity initiatives shape white race consciousness / James M. Thomas
Institutional racism revisited : how institutions perpetuate and promote racism through color blindness / Charles A. Gallagher
Prison in the street : what market-based bipartisan reform means for racial stratification / Kasey Henricks and Bethany Nelson
Settler culture and white property : from the Bundy Ranch standoff to the West Virginia coalfields / Rebecca R. Scott
Local immigration enforcement : shaping and maintaining policies through white saviors and economic motivations / Felicia Arriaga
Recruiting white "victims" : white supremacist flyers on college campuses / David Dietrich
The whitening of South Asian women / Bhoomi K. Thakore
Colorful art, white spaces : how an art museum maintains white spaces / Simón E. Weffer, David G. Embrick, and Silvia Domínguez
White noise : how white nationalist content creators reproduce narratives of white power and victimhood on YouTube / C. Doug Charles
Blue lives matter : police protection countermovement / Maretta McDonald
Echoing Derrick A. Bell : black women's resistance to white supremacy in the age of Trump / Marlese Durr
Solidarity and struggle : white antiracist activism in the time of Trump / Mary K. Ryan and David L. Brunsma
Conclusions: Where do we go from here? Structural and social implications of whitelash / J. Scott Carter, David G. Embrick, and Cameron D. Lippard.

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