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About This Book
The Rise of Agriculture & Complex Societies
The Evolution of Writing
The Classical Tradition
The Silk Road &; the East-West Connection
Plagues & Peoples
Gutenberg & the Print Revolution
Slave Trade & Colonialism
The Rise of Democracy
Technology Shrinks the World
The Search for World Order
ANCIENT WORLD: Prehistory-500 BC
Human Evolution & Early Migration Prehistory-3000 B.C.
Mesopotamian Civilizations 3500-500 B.C.
Sidebar: The Lessons of Judaism
Egyptian Civilization 3000-500 B.C.
Sidebar: The Divine Right of Queens
Indian Civilization 2500-500 B.C.
Sidebar: The Multiplicity of Hinduism
Chinese Civilization 2200-500 B.C.
Mediterranean Civilizations 2000-500 B.C.
Olmec of Mesoamerica 1200-400 B.C.
WORLD SURVEY: Prehistory-500 B.C.
Classical World: 550 B.C.-A.D. 700
Persia 550 B.C.-A.D. 651
North American Cultures 500 B.C.-A.D. 400
Mesoamerican Cultures 500 B.C.-A.D. 700
South American Cultures 500 B.C.-A.D. 600
The Roman Empire 509 B.C.-A.D. 476
Sidebar: Hannibal of Carthage
Sidebar: The Roman Army
Greece 492-400 B.C.
China's Qin & Han Dynasties 403 B.C.-A.D. 220
Sidebar: Emperor Qin's Tomb
Alexander the Great 336-323 B.C.
India 327 B.C.-A.D. 550
Rise of Christianity A.D. 27-392
World Survey 550 B.C.-A.D. 700
Age of Faith: 500-1150
Maya: 500-1000
Sidebar: Watching the Heavens
Anglo-Saxon England 500-1066
Byzantine Empire 527-1054
Muhammad & Islam 570-1000
Sidebar: The Koran
China's Sui & Tang Dynasties 581-907
Khmer Empire 600-1150
Charlemagne 768-814
Vikings 793-1042
Feudalism 800-1000
World Survey: 500-1150

China's Song Dynasty 960-1279
Holy Roman Empire 962-1648
Toltec & Aztec Empires 1000-1521
Sidebar: Rituals of Aztec Warfare
Peru's Chimu & Inca Empires 1000-1536
Mississippians & Anasazi 1000-1540
The High Middle Ages in Europe 1000-1453
The Crusades 1095-1291
Mongol Empire 1206-1368
Sidebar: Marco Polo
Ottoman Empire 1299-1571
The Renaissance 1300-1600
Sidebar: Machiavelli
China's Ming Dynasty 1368-1644
Sidebar: The Admiral of the Western Ocean
World Survey 960-1644
England: 1455-1689
Sidebar: The Great Fire of London
Spain & Portugal 1469-1640
Sidebar: The Spanish Inquisition
Navigating the globe 1492-1522
Spanish-American Empire 1492-1800
Sidebar: Spanish Mission System
The Reformation 1517-1648
Mogul India 1523-1857
France's North American Colonies 1534-1763
England's North American Colonies 1584-1775
Sidebar: English Conquest of Canada
Japan &; the Shoguns 1588-1853
The Rise of Russia 1613-1796

The Age of Enlightenment 1700-1800
Europe's Balance of Power 1702-1763
British Exploration of the Pacific 1760-1840
Sidebar: Australia's Aborigines
American Revolution: 1775-1789
Sidebar: Rebellions in Other American Colonies
French Revolution 1789-1799
Sidebar: Robespierre & the Reign of Terror
World Survey: 1455-1857
European Imperialism: 1750-1900
Sidebar: Queen Victoria
India Under the British 1757-1917
Napoleon 1769-1821
Europe's Industrial Revolution 1769-1900
Sidebar: Urban Migration
Sidebar: Ireland's Potato Famine
Imperialism in the Pacific 1800-1900
Sidebar: Maori of New Zealand
Latin American Independence 1800-1830
Sidebar: Bolivar: Liberator or Dictator?
U.S. Expansion 1800-1860
Sidebar: The California Gold Rush
European Nationalism 1815-1871
China Ends Its Isolation 1820-1900
European Powers Colonize Africa 1830-1914
Sidebar: Livingstone & Stanley
Japan & the West 1853-1905
U.S. Civil War & Reconstruction 1860-1877
Sidebar: The Battle of Gettysburg
The U.S. Becomes a Great Power 1876-1900
Sidebar: Rough Riders in Cuba
World Survey: 1750-1917

Revolution in Transit: 1900-1930
Sidebar: Mass Production Comes of Age
World War I 1914-1918
Sidebar: The Russian Revolutions of 1917
Boom & Bust 1920-1937
Sidebar: Mass Communication
Authoritarianism: 1920-1938
World War II 1939-1945
Sidebar: Development of the Atom Bomb
World Survey: 1900-1945
Toward A New Millennium: 1945-Present
Postwar Settlement & Cold War: 1945-1991
Sidebar: Arab-Israeli Conflicts
Sidebar: Vietnam War
Sidebar: Iran Revolution
Development of a “Third World”: 1945-1991
Sidebar: Gandhi: India's Peaceful Rebel
Frontiers of Science and Exploration: 1945-Present
Sidebar: Other Planets, Other Earths
The Global Community 1991-Present
Sidebar: The Death of Osama bin Laden
World Survey: 1945-Present
At a glance: Major Wars
Major Religions
Periods & Movements
Human Accomplishments
Scientists, Inventors, & Philosophers
Highlights of Chinese history
Roman rulers
Rulers of England and Great Britain
Historical periods of Japan
Rulers of France
Prime ministers of Great Britain
Presidents of the United States
Rulers of Russia since 1533.

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