Linked e-resources


Using the dictionary
Complex entries and language notes
Cultural notes
Spanish pronunciation and spelling
Language in Use: a grammar of communication in Spanish and English
Language in Use
1 Suggestions
2 Advice
3 Offers
4 Requests
5 Comparisons
6 Opinions
7 Likes, dislikes and preferences
8 Intentions and desires
9 Permission
10 Obligation
11 Agreement
12 Disagreement
13 Approval
14 Disapproval
15 Certainty, probability, possibility and capability
16 Doubt, improbability, impossibility and incapability
17 Explanations
18 Apologies
19 Job applications
20 Commercial correspondence
21 General correspondence
22 Thanks
23 Best wishes
24 Announcements
25 Invitations
26 Essay writing
27 The telephone
27a E-mail
Lengua y Uso
27 El telefono
27a Correo electronico
28 Sugerencias
29 Consejos
30 Propuestas
31 Peticiones
32 Comparaciones
33 Opiniones
34 Gustos y preferencias
35 Intenciones y deseos
36 Permiso
37 Obligaciõn
38 Acuerdo
39 Desacuerdo
40 Aprobaciõn
41 Desaprobaciõn
42 Certeza, probabilidad, posibilidad y capacidad
43 Incertidumbre, improbabilidad, imposibilidad e incapacidad
44 Explicaciones
45 Disculpas
46 Solicitudes de trabajo
47 Correspondencia comercial
48 Correspondencia de caracter general
49 Agradecimientos
50 Saludos de cortesa y felicitaciones
51 Notas y avisos de sociedad
52 Invitaciones
53 Redacciõn
The Spanish verb
The English verb
Aspects of Word Formation in Spanish
Weights and measures
Time and dates.

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