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About the editors and contributors
Introduction / Moyra A. Baldwin and Jan Woodhouse
1 Agencies: resources for adults with a palliative care need in the UK / Helen Fruin
2 Attributes of palliative caring / Moyra A. Baldwin
3 Caring for the adult: “a reversal of roles” / Virginia C. Williams
4 Caring for the carers / Sheila Payne
5 Caring for the child with palliative care needs / Yvonne Flood
6 Caring for the older person / Victoria Ridgway
7 Caring for young people / Amanda Humphreys and Pat Rose
8 Communication / Jan Woodhouse
9 Concept of death / Jill McCarthy
10 Coronial process / Richard Griffith
11 Cultural issues in palliative care / Shirley Firth
12 Death / Jane Quigley
13 Environment of care: palliative care within the acute hospital care ward / John Costello
14 Finance issues and the organisation of palliative care / Peter Hartland
15 Financial aspects for patients and carers / Jan Woodhouse
16 Funerals / Jan Woodhouse
17 Good death / Moyra A. Baldwin and Jan Woodhouse
18 The globalisation of palliative care / Lynda Prescott
19 Holism / Moyra A. Baldwin and Joanne Greenwood
20 Hospice movement and evolution of palliative care / Moyra A. Baldwin
21 Information technology / Dion Smyth
22 Legal and ethical issues in palliative care / Barbara Beard
23 Loss, grief and bereavement / Jan Woodhouse
24 Marginalised groups / Elizabeth Mason-Whitehead
25 Multi-disciplinary teams / Moyra A. Baldwin

26 Organ donation / Natalie A. Pattison
27 Organisational management of palliative care / Steve Kirk
28 Palliative care and the person with cancer / Debbie Wyatt
29 Palliative care for the person with a learning disability / Sue Read
30 Palliative care and the person with mental ill-health / Catherine Black and Julie Bailey-McHale
31 Palliative care and the person with a non-cancer diagnosis / Andrea Dean
32 Palliative care education / Karen Manford-Walley
33 Patient choices and preferences in palliative care / Stephanie Neill and Dorothy Carter
34 Policy drivers / Mzwandile A. Mabhala
35 Quality assurance and palliative care / Jill McCarthy
36 Reactions of patients and carers / Sue Phillips
37 Rehabilitation in palliative care / Claire Jones and Adrian Bunnell
38 Research in palliative care / Catherine Black
39 Resources and information: looking for answers / Jan Woodhouse
40 Sexuality / Moyra A. Baldwin and Jan Woodhouse
41 Stigma / Elizabeth Mason-Whitehead
42 Symptom management: complementary and alternative medicine/integrated health / Joy Parkes and Sue Padmore
43 Symptom management: common symptoms / Catherine Black
44 Symptom management: difficult/complex symptoms / Catherine Black
45 Symptom management: emergencies / Catherine Black
46 Symptom management: the Liverpool Care Pathway for the dying patient (LCP) / Richard Latten, John Ellershaw and Deborah Murphy
47 Spirituality / The Reverend Ian M Delinger
48 Stress and palliative care / Jan Woodhouse
49 Technology: equipment procurement / Sonya Currey, Janice Foster and Virginia C. Williams
50 Value of life / Moyra A. Baldwin and Joanne Greenwood.

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