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Notes on Contributors
Chapter 1 Introduction Arab Cultural Studies: Between 'Reterritorialisation' and 'Deterritorialisation' - Tarik Sabry
Chapter 2 History in Arab Media Studies: A Speculative Cultural History - Walter Ambrust
Chapter 3 Arab Media Studies Between the Legacy of a Thin Discipline and the Promise of New Cultural Pathways - Mohamed Zayani
Chapter 4 Cultural Studies in Arab World Academic Communication Programmes: The Battle for Survival - Muhammad Ayish
Chapter 5 In Search of the Great Absence: Cultural Studies in Arab Universities - Riadh Ferjani
Chapter 6 Rethinking the Arab State and Culture: Preliminary Thoughts - Dina Matar
Chapter 7 The Necessary Politics of Palestinian Cultural Studies - Helga Tawil-Souri
Chapter 8 Rethinking Gender Studies: Towards an Arab Feminist Epistemology - Layal Fttouni
Chapter 9 Disarticulating Arab Popular Culture: The Case of Egyptian Comedies - Iman Haman
Chapter 10 Placing Political Economy in Relation to Cultural Studies: Reflections on the Case of Cinema in Saudi Arabia - Naomi Sakr
Chapter 11 The Saudi Modernity Wars According to 'Abdullah Al-Ghathami: A Template for the Study of Arab Culture and Media - Marwan M, Kraidy
Chapter 12 Cultural Criticism: Theory and Method - Abdullah Al-Ghathami
Chapter 13 Language as Culture: The Question of Arabic - Atef Alshaer
Chapter 14 Internationalising a Media Studies Degree in Arab Higher Education: A Case Study Arising from an Agreement Between New Zealand and Oman - Susan O'Rourke and Rosser Johnson.

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