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Abramovitz, Moses
Absolute Income Hypothesis
Absorption Approach to the Balance of Payments
Accelerator Principle
Activist Policy Rule
Acyclical Variable
Adaptive Expectations
AD-AS Model
Adjustable Peg System
Adverse Selection Model
Aggregate Demand
Aggregate Demand Management
Aggregate Production Function
Aggregate Supply
Akerlof, George A.
Alesina, Alberto
American Economic Association
Animal Spirits
Anticipated Inflation
Appreciation (Nominal) of a Currency
Assignment Problem
Asymmetric Information
Automatic Stabilizers
Autonomous Expenditure
Average Propensity to Consume
Average Propensity to Save
Average Tax Rate
Balance of Payments
Balance of Payments-constrained Economic Growth
Balance of Payments: Keynesian Approach
Balance of Payments: Monetary Approach
Balanced Budget Multiplier
Barro, Robert J.
Bastard Keynesianism
Blanchard, Olivier J.
Blaug, Mark
Blinder, Alan S.
Bretton Woods
Brookings Institution
Brunner, Karl
Budget Balance
Budget Deficits: Cyclical and Structural
Built-in Stabilizers
Burns, Arthur F.
Business Cycle
Business Cycles: Austrian Approach
Business Cycles: Keynesian Approach
Business Cycles: Marxian Approach
Business Cycles: Monetarist Approach
Business Cycles: New Classical Approach
Business Cycles: Political Business Cycle Approach
Business Cycles: Real Business Cycle Approach
Business Cycles: Stylized Facts
Cagan, Philip D.
Capital Account
Capital-Labour Ratio
Capital-Output Ratio
Capital-stock Adjustment Principle
Catching Up and Convergence
Central Bank
Central Bank Accountability and Transparency
Central Bank Independence
Central Parity
Classical Dichotomy
Classical Economics
Classical Model
Clean Float
Clower, Robert W.
Coddington, Alan
Cold Turkey
Comparative Advantage
Consumption Function
Contractionary Phase
Coordination Failures
Cost-push Inflation
Council of Economic Advisers
Countercyclical Policy
Countercyclical Variable
Cowles Commission
Crawling Peg
Credibility and Reputation
Credit Channels
Credit Views in Macroeconomic Theory
Crowding Out
Current Account
Cyclical Unemployment
Cyclically Adjusted Budget Balance
Davidson, Paul
Demand for Money: Buffer Stocks
Demand for Money: Friedman's Approach
Demand for Money: Keynesian Approach
Demand Management
Demand-deficient Unemployment
Demand-pull Inflation
Denison, Edward F.
Depreciation (Nominal) of a Currency
Dirty Float
Discount Rate

Discretionary Policy
Disposable Income
Domar, Evsey D.
Dornbusch, Rudiger
Dual Decision Hypothesis
Duesenberry, James S.
Ecological Macroeconomics
Econometric Society
Economic Growth
Economic Growth and the Role of Institutions
Efficiency Wage
Efficiency Wage Theory
Elasticities Approach to the Balance of Payments
Employment Act of 1946
Endogenous Growth Theory
Endogenous Variable
Equation of Exchange
European Central Bank
European Currency Unit
European Monetary System
European Monetary Union
European Union
Evolutionary Macroeconomics
Ex Ante, Ex Post
Ex Post
Exchange Rate Determination: Monetary Approach
Exchange Rate Mechanism
Exogenous Variable
Expansionary Phase
Expectations-augmented Phillips Curve
Expenditure Reducing Policy
Expenditure Switching Policy
Federal Funds Rate
Federal Open Market Committee
Federal Reserve System
Feedback Rule
Feldstein, Martin
Financial Instability
Fine Tuning
Fiscal Policy: Role of
Fischer, Stanley
Fisher Effect
Fisher, Irving
Fixed Exchange Rate System
Flexible Exchange Rate System
Floating Exchange Rate System
Foreign Exchange Reserves
Foreign Trade Multiplier
Frictional Unemployment
Friedman, Milton
Frisch, Ragnar A.K.
Full Employment
Full Employment Budget Balance
Full Employment Output
Functional Finance
GDP Deflator
GDP in Current Prices
GDP in Real Prices
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
General Theory
Gold Standard
Golden Age Growth
Gordon, Robert J.
Government Budget Constraint
Gradualism versus Cold Turkey
Great Depression
Great Inflation
Greenspan, Alan
Gross Domestic Product
Gross National Product
Group of Five
Group of Seven
Growth Accounting
Hansen, Alvin H.
Harrod, Roy F.
Harrod-Domar Growth Model
Hayek, Friedrich A. von
Heckscher-Ohlin Approach to International Trade
Hicks, John Richard
High-powered Money
Human Capital
Hume, David
Hydraulic Keynesianism
Implementation Lag
Incomes Policy
Inflation: Alternative Theories of
Inflation: Costs of
Inflation: Costs of Reducing
Inflation Rate
Inflation Targeting
Inflation Tax
Inside Lag
Inside Money
Insider-Outsider Theory
International Monetary Fund
Intertemporal Substitution of Labour
Investment: Accelerator Theory of
Investment: Neoclassical Theories of
Involuntary Unemployment in Keynes's General Theory
Involuntary Unemployment in Keynesian Economics
IS-LM Model: Closed Economy
IS-LM Model: Open Economy
John Bates Clark Medal
Johnson, Harry G.
Jorgenson, Dale W.
Kahn, Richard F.
Kaldor, Nicholas
Kalecki, Michal
Keynes Effect
Keynes, John Maynard

Keynes's General Theory
Keynesian Cross
Keynesian Economics
Keynesian Economics: Reappraisals of
Kindleberger, Charles P.
Klein, Lawrence R.
Kuznets, Simon S.
Kydland, Finn E.
Laffer Curve
Leijonhufvud, Axel
Lender of Last Resort
Lerner, Abba P.
Lewis, W. Arthur
Life Cycle Hypothesis
Lipsey, Richard G.
Liquidity Preference
Liquidity Trap
Loanable Funds Theory
Long-run Phillips Curve
Lucas Critique
Lucas, Robert E. Jr
Lucas 'Surprise' Supply Function
Macroeconometric Models
Malinvaud, Edmond
Managed Float
Mankiw, N. Gregory
Marginal Efficiency of Capital
Marginal Efficiency of Investment
Marginal Propensity to Consume
Marginal Propensity to Import
Marginal Propensity to Save
Marginal Propensity to Withdraw
Marginal Tax Rate
Marshall-Lerner Condition
Marxian Macroeconomics: An Overview
Marxian Macroeconomics: Some Key Relationships
Mayer, Thomas
Meade, James E.
Meltzer, Allan H.
Menu Costs
Minsky, Hyman P.
Mismatch Unemployment
Mitchell, Wesley C.
Modigliani, Franco
Monetary Approach to Exchange Rate Determination
Monetary Approach to the Balance of Payments
Monetary Base
Monetary Policy: Role of
Money Illusion
Money Supply: Endogenous or Exogenous?
Multiplier-Accelerator Model
Mundell, Robert A.
Mundell-Fleming Model
Muth, John F.
National Bureau of Economic Research
National Income
Natural Rate of Unemployment
Neoclassical Growth Model
Neoclassical Synthesis
Net Capital Flows
Net Exports
Neutrality of Money
New Classical Economics
New Economy
New Keynesian Economics
New Neoclassical Synthesis
New Political Macroeconomics
Nobel Prize in Economics
Nominal Exchange Rate
Nominal GDP
Nominal Interest Rate
Nominal Rigidity
North American Free Trade Agreement
Okun, Arthur M.
Okun's Law
Open Economy Trilemma
Open Market Operations
Optimum Currency Area
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
Organization of Petroleum-exporting Countries
Outside Lag
Outside Money
Passive Policy Rule
Patinkin, Don
Permanent Income Hypothesis
Phelps, Edmund S.
Phillips Curve
Phillips, A. William H.
Pigou Effect
Pigou, Arthur C.
Policy Ineffectiveness Proposition
Post Keynesian Economics
Potential Output
Precautionary Balances
Prescott, Edward C.

Present Value
Price Index
Procyclical Variable
Productivity Slowdown
Public Sector Borrowing Requirement
Purchasing Power Parity Theory
Quantity Theory of Money
Random Walk
Rational Expectations
Real Balance Effect
Real Business Cycle Model
Real Exchange Rate
Real GDP
Real Interest Rate
Real Money Balances
Real Rigidity
Real Wage
Recognition Lag
Relative Income Hypothesis
Replacement Ratio
Representative Agent Model
Ricardian Equivalence
Robinson, Joan
Romer, Paul M.
Rostow, Walt W.
Rough Tuning
Royal Economic Society
Rules versus Discretion
Sacrifice Ratio
Samuelson, Paul A.
Sargent, Thomas J.
Say's Law
Schools of Thought in Macroeconomics
Schumpeter, Joseph A.
Schwartz, Anna J.
Search Unemployment
Seasonal Unemployment
Shackle, George L.S.
Shirking Model
Shoe Leather Costs
Short-run Phillips Curve
Solow, Robert M.
Speculative Balances
Speculative Bubbles
Stabilization Policy
Staggered Wage Contracts
Steady State Growth
Stiglitz, Joseph E.
Stone, J. Richard N.
Structural Budget Balance
Structural Unemployment
Summers, Lawrence H.
Supply-side Economics
Taylor, John B.
Taylor's Rule
Temin, Peter
Term Structure of Interest Rates
Terms of Trade
Theory and Measurement in Macroeconomics: Role of
Time Inconsistency
Tinbergen, Jan
Tobin, James
Tobin's Q
Trade Balance
Trade Union Density
Transactions Balances
Transitory Income
Unanticipated Inflation
Unemployment Rate
Vector Autoregressions
Velocity of Circulation
Wallace, Neil
Weintraub, Sidney
Wicksell, Knut
World Bank
World Trade Organization
Yield Curve.

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