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Early America, early dissent 1789-1865. Blood and slavery / A free Negro ; The curse of slavery / Gouverneur Morris ; This is our country / Peter Williams, Jr. ; An address at the African Masonic Hall / Maria W. Stewart ; Address to the Massachusetts Legislature / Angelina Grimkeþ ; Loosening the bonds of prejudice / Sara T. Smith ; Defending the Amistad slaves / John Quincy Adams ; An address to the slaves of the United States of America / Henry Highland Garnet ; Address at Seneca Falls / Elizabeth Cady Stanton ; Ar'n't I a woman / Sojourner Truth ; What to the slave is the Fourth of July / Frederick Douglass ; No compromise with the evil of slavery / William Lloyd Garrison ; Leave women, then, to find their sphere / Lucy Stone ; On seizing land from Native Californians / Pablo de la Guerra ; A house divided / Abraham Lincoln ; No consciousness of guilt / John Brown ; A day to celebrate Emancipation / Jonathan Gibbs ; Second inaugural address / Abraham Lincoln ; In praise of labor / Booker T. Washington

Measured Gains : two steps forward, one step backward 1866-1949. We are all bound up together / Frances Ellen Watkins Harper ; The myth of "yellow peril" / Frederick Douglas ; Suffrage and the working woman / Susan B. Anthony ; Half free, half slave / James T. Rapier ; Unsung heroes / Rev. L.T. Chamberlain ; The first African-American governor / P.B.S. Pinchback ; The queens of womanhood / Alexander Crummell ; Man cannot speak for her / Elizabeth Cady Stanton ; Women's political future / Frances Ellen Watkins Harper ; A call for black women / Josephine St. Pierre Ruffin ; The Atlanta Compromise / Booker T. Washington ; Training Negroes for social power / W.E.B. Du Bois ; The progress of colored women / Mary Church Terrell ; The last, hard fight / Carrie Chapman Catt ; A moral partnership legitimized / Woodrow Wilson ; A defense of Japanese Americans / John P. Irish ; Crusade for women's birth control / Margaret Sanger ; Defending Mexican Americans / Alonso S. Perales ; A separate nation / Marcus Garvey ; A last word before incarceration / Marcus Garvey ; A Negro nation within a nation / W.E.B. Du Bois ; Fighting words / James Omura ; Desegregating the military / A. Philip Randolph ; A cloud of suspicion / Carey McWilliams ; Jim Crow army / Bayard Rustin ; No compromises / Hubert Humphrey ; The Universal Declaration of Human Rights / Eleanor Roosevelt

Civil rights era : lift every voice 1950-1969. Dismantling segregation: Brown v. Board of Education / Thurgood Marshall ; Montgomery bus boycott / Martin Luther King, Jr. ; The homosexual faces a challenge / Ken Burns ; Federal Court orders must be upheld / Dwight D. Eisenhower ; Civil rights message / John F. Kennedy ; I have a dream / Martin Luther King, Jr. ; We must free ourselves / John Lewis ; Sex discrimination in the Civil Rights Act / Howard "Judge" Smith ; The ballot or the bullet / Malcolm X ; A long, long way to go / Martin Luther King, Jr. ; Brotherhood among ourselves / Malcolm X ; We shall overcome ; To fulfill these rights / Lyndon B. Johnson ; Day of affirmation address / Robert F. Kennedy ; Furthering the homophile movement / Franklin Kameny ; Black power / Stokely Carmichael ; The silent people no longer / Joseph M. Montoya ; The land grant question / Reies Loþpez Tijerina ; Breaking bread for progress / Ceþsar Chaþvez ; I've been to the mountaintop / Martin Luther King, Jr. ; On Martin Luther King's death / Robert F. Kennedy ; From expatriation to emancipation / Daniel Inouye ; The real sexual revolution / Betty Friedan ; This is no land of cynics / Henry B. Gonzaþlez ; Chicano nationalism / Rodolfo "Corky" Gonzales ; Take destiny into your own hands / Karla Jay

Current struggle : slow but steady progress 1970-1998. A Chicano defined / Joseþ Angel Gutieþrrez ; Roe v. Wade: legalizing abortion / Sarah Weddington ; You can do it / Patricia Schroeder ; Recognition NOW / Phyllis Lyon ; America should admit its guilt / Robert "Spark" Matsunaga ; Tired of the silence / Harvey Milk ; That a past wrong be admitted / Clifford Uyeda ; Our time has come / Jesse Jackson ; We organized / Ceþsar Chaþvez ; Acting up / Larry Kramer ; Creating change / Virginia Ipso ; What gay consciousness brings / Harry Hay ; Anita Hill v. Clarence Thomas / Anita Hill ; The story of self-hatred / David Mixner ; Seeking a conversation on race / Lani Guinier ; The freedom to die / William J. Clinton ; We are at war / Sister Souljah ; Rejecting racial hatred / Colin Powell ; The two faces of American immigration / Raul Yzaguirre ; A million men marching on / Louis Farrakhan ; Consciousness is power / Yuri Kochiyama ; Protecting same-sex marriage / Barney Frank ; A shining and powerful dream / Kweisi Mfume ; Seneca Falls: 150 years later / Hillary Rodham Clinton.

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