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pt. 1. Introduction and overview. The problem of theory in gerontology today / Vern L. Bengston, Norella M. Putney and Malcolm L. Johnson
Ageing and changing : international historical perspectives on ageing / W. Andrew Achenbaum
Global ageing : the demographic revolution in all cultures and societies / Alexandre Kalache, Sandhi Maria Barreto and Ingrid Keller
The psychological science of human ageing / Paul B. Baltes, Alexandra M. Freund and Shu-Chen Li
The biological science of human ageing / Thomas B.L. Kirkwood

pt. 2. The ageing body. Biodemography and epidemiology of longevity / Bernard Jeune and Kaare Christensen
The epidemiology of ageing / Christina Victor
Patterns of illness and mortality across the adult lifespan / Edlira Gjoncıa and Michael Marmot
Sensory impairment / Tom H. Margrain and Mike Boulton
Mobility and falls / Rose Anne Kenny
The genetics of behavioural ageing / Gerald E. McClearn and Stephen A. Petrill
Psychodynamic approaches to the lifecourse and ageing / Simon Biggs
Cultural approaches to the ageing body / Chris Gilleard
Promoting health and wellbeing in later life / Hannes B. Staehelin

pt. 3. The ageing mind. Psychological approaches to human development / Jutta Heckhausen
Cognitive changes across the lifespan / Pat Rabbitt
Age-related changes in memory / Elizabeth A. Maylor
Intelligence and wisdom / Robert J. Sternberg and Elena L. Grigorenko
Everyday competence in older adults / K. Warner Schaie, Julie B. Boron and Sherry L. Willis
The psychology of emotions and ageing / Gisela Labouvie-Vief
Personality and ageing / Ursula M. Staudinger
Depression / Amy Fiske and Randi S. Jones
Dementia / Bob Woods
Dementia in an Asian context / Jinzhou Tian

pt. 4. The ageing self. Self and identity / Freya Dittmann-Kohli
Stress and coping / Linda K. George
Reminiscence : developmental, social and clinical perspectives / Peter G. Coleman
The social worlds of old age / Jaber F. Gubrium
Listening to the past : reminiscence and oral history / Joanna Bornat
Elder abuse in developing nations / Lia Susana Daichman
The self in dementia / Steven R. Sabat
Ageism / Bill Bytheway
Profiles of the oldest-old / Leonard W. Poon ... [et al.]
Images of ageing : cultural representations of later life / Mike Featherstone and Mike Hepworth
Religion, spirituality, and older people / Alfons Marcoen
Quality of life and ageing / Svein Olav Daatland
The transformation of dying in old societies / Clive Seale
The psychology of death / Robert A. Neimeyer and James L. Werth, Jr.
Death and spirituality / Elizabeth MacKinlay

pt. 5. The ageing of relationships. Global ageing and challenges to families / Ariela Lowenstein
Ageing parents and adult children : new perspectives on intergenerational relationships / Roseann Giarrusso ... [et al.]
Grandparenthood / Sarah Harper
Sibling ties across time : the middle and later years / Ingrid Arnet Connidis
Filial piety in changing Asian societies / Akiko Hashimoto and Charlotte Ikels
Generational memory and family relationships / Claudine Attias-Donfut and Francıois-Charles Wolff
Family caregivers : increasing demands in the context of 21st-century globalization? / Neena L. Chappell and Margaret J. Penning
Network dynamics in later life / Fleur Thomeþse ... [et al.]
Changing family relationships in developing nations / Isabella Aboderin
Ethnic diversity in ageing, multicultural societies / James S. Jackson ... [et al.]
Gay and lesbian elders / Katherine R. Allen

pt. 6. The ageing of societies. The lifecourse perspective on ageing : linked lives, timing and history / Vern L. Bengston, Glen H. Elder Jr. and Norella M. Putney
The political economy of old age / Chris Phillipson
Moral economy and ageing / Jon Hendricks
Generational changes and generational equity / Martin Kohli
Gender dimensions of the age shift / Sara Arber and Jay Ginn
Migration and older people / Charles F. Longino Jr. and Anthony M. Warnes
Do longevity and health generate wealth? / Robert N. Butler
Women, ageing and inequality : a feminist perspective / Carroll L. Estes

pt. 7. Policies and provisions for older people. The social construction of old age as a problem / Malcolm L. Johnson
Restructuring the lifecourse : work and retirement / Victor W. Marshall and Philip Taylor
Ethical dilemmas in old age care / Harry R. Moody
Wealth, health, and ageing : the multiple modern complexities of financial gerontology / Neal E. Cutler
Formal and informal community care for older adults / Demi Patsios and Adam Davey
Health policy and old age : an international review / Jill Quadagno, Jennifer Reid Keene and Debra Street
Gerontological nursing : the state of the art / Brendan McCormack
Delivering effective social/long term care to older people / Bleddyn Davies
Delivering care to older people at home / Kristina Larsson, Merril Silverstein and Mats Thorslund
Long term care / Robert L. Kane and Rosalie A. Kane
Managed care in the United States and United Kingdom / Robert L. Kane and Clive E. Bowman
Healthcare rationing : is age a proper criterion? / Ruud Ter Meulen and Josy Ubachs-Moust
Adaptation to new technologies / Neil Charness and Sara J. Czaja
Ageing and public policy in ethnically diverse societies / Fernando M. Torres-Gil.

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