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v.1. God, Christ, Mary and grace
v. 2. Man in the church
v. 3. The theology of the spiritual life
v. 4. More recent writings
v. 5. Later writings

VOLUME 1 : Abbreviations
Translator's Introduction
1. The Prospects for Dogmatic Theology
2. A Scheme for Treatise of Dogmatic Theology
3. The Development of Dogma
4. Theos in the New Testament
5. Current Problems in Christology
6. The Immaculate Conception
7. The Interpretation of the Dogma of Assumption
8. Theological Reflexions On Monogenism
9. Concerning the Relationship Between Nature and Grace
10. Some Implications of the Scholastic Concept of Uncreated Grace
11. The Theological Concept of Concupiscentia

VOLUME 2 : Acknowledgements
1. Membership of the Church According to the Teaching of Pius XII's Encyclical 'Mystici Corporis Christi'
2. Freedom In the Church
3. Personal and Sacramental Piety
4. Forgotten Truths Concerning the Sacrament of Penance
5. Remarks On The Theology of Indulgences
6. The Resurrection of the Body
7. On The Question of a Formal Existential Ethics
8. The Dignity and Freedom of Man
9. Guilt and Its Remission: The Borderland Between Theology and Psychotherapy
10. Peaceful Reflections On The Parochial Principle
11. Notes on the Lay Apostolate
Index of Persons
Subject Index.

VOLUME 3 : Abbreviations
Author's Preface
Translators' Note
PART ONE. Fundamental Questions.
1. Reflections on the Problem of the Gradual Ascent to Christian Perfection
2. Thoughts on the Theology of Christmas
3. The Eternal Significance of the Humanity of Jesus for Our Relationship with God
4. Reflections on the Theology of Renunciation
5. The Passion and Asceticism
6. Reflections on the Experience of Grace
7. The Church of the Saints. The theology of the Church of the Saints; In praise of grace; Eschatological testimony of faith; The Saints: creators of new Christian modes of life; The adventure of the Saints; The charismatic order
8. Some Thoughts on 'A Good Intention'. Good intention; The problem of good intentions; Good intentions in practice
The Dogma of the Immaculate Conception in Our Spiritual Life
10. The Comfort of Time
PART TWO. The Sacraments
11. The Eucharist and Suffering
12. The Renewal of Priestly Ordination
13. The Meaning of Frequent Confession of Devotion
14. Problems Concerning Confession. Changes in the institution of confession; Legalistic and magical tendencies in the practice of confession; New tendencies in the current practice of confession
PART THREE. The Daily Life of the Christian
15. The Apostolate of Prayer
16. A Spiritual Dialogue at Evening: On Sleep, Prayer, and Other Subjects
PART FOUR. The States of Life in the Church
17. Priestly Existence. Preliminary note; The essential structure of the priesthood; Priestly existence
18. The Consecration of the Layman to the Care of Souls
19. The Ignatian Mysticism of Joy in the World. The mysticism of Ignatius; The joy in the world of Ignatius
20. Priest and Poet
PART FIVE. Devotion to the Sacred Heart
21. 'Behold This Heart!': Preliminaries to a Theology of Devotion to the Sacred Heart
22. Some Theses For a Theology of Devotion to the Sacred Heart. Preliminary questions; On the question of the theological foundation for the Sacred Heart Devotion; On the integration of the Sacred Heart Devotion into the whole of (Ignatian) spirituality; On the 'object' of the Sacred Heart Devotion; On the theology of 'reparation' in the Sacred Heart Devotion; On 'consoling' the Lord; The promises of Paray-le-Monial
PART SIX. Life in the World
23. The Christian Among Unbelieving Relations
24. On Conversions To The Church
25. Science as a 'Confession'?
Index of Persons
Index of Subjects.

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