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Half Title
By the Same Author
Title Page
Prologue: Two Sisters of Blazing Genius
1. Five Fatherless Porter Children (1779-90)
2. London's Covent Garden and Maria's Teenage Tales (1790-96)
3. Two Girls Masquerading as Society Gentlemen: Jane's and Maria's Early Fictions and the Caulfield Brothers (1794-97)
4. In Spite of the Prudish World: The Sister Novelists and the Great Historical Picture (1798-1800)
5. Cut My Heart: Jane and Maria's Rival Mentors (1798-1801)

6. Gone Theatrical Mad: Maria's Plays, Jane's New Romance, and the Enchanting Kembles (1801)
7. "The Fire! The Splendour!": Maria's Opera, Jane's Bestseller, and the War Hero, Sir Sidney Smith (1802-3)
8. Hearts and Darts: Maria's Sighing Soldier (1803-4)
9. How Wild Is the World: Celebrity Jane's Suitors and a Defense of Crim. Con. (1804)
10. Taking up a Rose with the Left Hand: The Porter Women Secretly Retrench, as Jane Is Nearly Buried Alive (1804-5)
11. Where the Scale Turns: Jane's Warring Passions and Robert's Russian Adventures (1805-7)

12. Finally in His Arms: The Return of Maria's Sighing Soldier (1805-9)
13. He Must Be Closed Up: The End of Jane's Henry (1807-9)
14. Champagne, Orange Juice, and the Margravine: Maria's Year of Luxury and Love (1809)
15. Family Misfortunes and Jane's Scottish Chiefs (1810)
16. Horror Princess: Russians in Britain, Maria's Recluse, and Jane's Redoubled Fame (1811-14)
17. Monstrous Literary Vampires: Jane and Maria, After Walter Scott (1814-16)
18. Beware of Imagination: Jane's Pastor, Maria's Two Novels, and Colonel Dan (1816-18)

19. Played by Kean: Jane's Dramas at the Drury Lane Theatre (1817-19)
20. Tortured for Others: Maria, Jane, and the Royal Librarian (1819-24)
21. Strange, Unworthy Brother: Jane and Maria Publish Together and William Writes Away (1824-31)
22. Separating Sisters: A Pitiless and Cold-Blooded Plan (1831-32)
23. Preserve and Destroy: Jane's Friends and Enemies (1832-40)
24. Her Younger Self Again: Jane and Robert Reunited (1841-42)
25. A Chair of One's Own (1842-50)

Coda: Three or Four Closely Packed Sea Chests: The Historic, Confused, and Unsorted Porter Correspondence (After 1850)
Major Works of Jane and Anna Maria Porter
List of Illustrations
A Note on the Author

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