

The American underclass, a particular segment' of the poor in America, remain in conditions of poverty even in favorable overall economic conditions. Much assistance has been provided to the underclass and there is much debate surrounding the originating and sustaining factors involving the underclass. For the most part, the actual effort to aid the underclass, despite the tremendous effort expended, appears to be less than effective. However, several faith-based programs seem to be experiencing success integrating the underclass into mainstream lifestyles. This project presents an overview of three major theoretical positions on the nature of persistent poverty, an investigation of the assistance currently being provided in the United States, and an evaluation of the effectiveness of these programs in moving members of the underclass into the mainstream. The philosophies and methodologies of the successful faith-based programs are also presented. A plan to strengthen assistance to members of the underclass in their attempt to transition into mainstream society in Evansville is proposed. It is based on a theoretically sound stance consistent with the successful faith-based programs and utilizes currently available resources in the Evansville area. 1 The social pathologies associated with the underclass include intergenerational poverty, illegitimate births, and criminality. These characteristics are generally associated with a worldview lacking hope.




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