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1. "The King's in His Castle ... All's Right with the World": The Collapse of the Middle Ages
2. "The Other Reformation": Martin Luther, Religious Dogma and the Common People
3. "The World Turned Upside Down": The Crisis of the Seventeenth Century and the English Revolution, 1640-49
4. The Rise of the Third Estate: The French People Revolt
5. Becoming an Appendage to the Machine: The Revolution in Production
6. From the Revolutions of 1848-49 to the First People's Democracy: The Paris Commune
7. The Rise of the Working Classes: Trade Unions and Socialism
8. Protest and Mutiny Confront Mass Slaughter: Europeans in World War I
9. War Leads to Revolution: Russia (1917), Central Europe (1918-19)
10. Economic Collapse and the Rise of Fascism, 1920-33
11. Against Fascist Terror: War and Genocide, 1933-45
12. A New Europe? 1945-48
13. Europeans in the Cold War: Between Moscow and Washington
14. From the Berlin Wall to the Prague Spring: A New Generation of Europeans
15. Fighting for Peace in an Atomic Age, 1969-89
16. Europe Falls into the Twenty-First Century.

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