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List of Abbreviations
1 The Acts of the Apostles and the Speeches
2 A Brief Outline of the Controversy Concerning the Speeches in Acts
3 Contributions to the Study of the Speeches in the Acts of the Apostles
Chapter 1 The Acts of the Apostles without Speeches
1 The Text of the Acts of the Apostles without the Speeches
1.1 Ac 1
1.2 Ac 2
1.3 Ac 3
1.4 Ac 4
1.5 Ac 5
1.6 Ac 6
1.7 Ac 7
1.8 Ac 8
1.9 Ac 9
1.10 Ac 10
1.11 Ac 11
1.12 Ac 12
1.13 Ac 13
1.14 Ac 14
1.15 Ac 15
1.16 Ac 16
1.17 Ac 17
1.18 Ac 18
1.19 Ac 19
1.20 Ac 20
1.21 Ac 21
1.22 Ac 22
1.23 Ac 23
1.24 Ac 24
1.25 Ac 25
1.26 Ac 26
1.27 Ac 27
1.28 Ac 28
2 Conclusion
Chapter 2 Analysis of the Topical Speeches
1 In Jerusalem
1.1 The Beginning of the Mission in Jerusalem
1.2 The Conflict in Jerusalem
2 In Judea and Samaria
A The Speech of Peter to Simon (Ac 8, 20-23)
B Speech of Peter in the House of Cornelius (Ac 10, 28-29. 34-43. 47)
C The Speech of Peter to the Hebrews (Ac 11, 5-17)
3 To the End of the Earth
3.1 Paul's Mission Journey
3.2 The Jerusalem Council
3.3 Paul's Time in Custody
Chapter 3 The Structural Speeches
1 The Speech of Jesus (Ac 1, 4-8)
1.1 Structural Analysis of the Speech
1.2 The Meaning of the Speech
1.3 The Function of the Speech
2 The Speech of Peter (Ac 1, 16-22)
2.1 Structural Analysis of the Speech
2.2 The Meaning of the Speech
2.3 The Function of the Speech
3 The Community Prayer (Ac 4, 24-30)
3.1 Structural Analysis of the Prayer
3.2 The Meaning of the Prayer
3.3 The Function of the Prayer
4 The Speech of the Twelve (Ac 6, 2-4)
4.1 Structural Analysis of the Speech
4.2 The Meaning of the Speech
4.3 The Function of the Speech.

5 The Speech of Paul and Barnabas at Lystra (Ac 14, 15-17)
5.1 Structural Analysis of the Speech
5.2 The Meaning of the Speech
5.3 The Function of the Speech
6 The Speech of Gallio (Ac 18, 14-15)
6.1 Structural Analysis of the Speech
6.2 The Meaning of the Speech
6.3 The Function of the Speech
7 The Speech of Demetrius (Ac 19, 25-27)
7.1 Structural Analysis of the Speech
7.2 The Meaning of the Speech
7.3 The Function of the Speech
8 The Speech of the Town Clerk (Ac 19, 35-40)
8.1 Structural Analysis of the Speech
8.2 The Meaning of the Speech
8.3 The Function of the Speech
9 The Speech of James and the Elders to Paul (Ac 21, 20-25)
9.1 Structural Analysis of the Speech
9.2 The Meaning of the Speech
9.3 The Function of the Speech
10 The Second Speech of Festus (Ac 25, 24-27)
10.1 Structural Analysis of the Speech
10.2 The Meaning of the Speech
10.3 The Function of the Speech
Chapter 4 The Function of the Speeches in the Narrative of Acts
1 The Speeches in the Narrative Concerning the Jerusalem Period
1.1 The Structural Speeches
1.2 The First Group of the Topical Speeches
1.3 The Second Group of the Topical Speeches
1.4 The Structural Speech
2 The Speeches in the Narrative Concerning the Mission in Judea and Samaria
2.1 The Third Group of the Topical Speeches
3 The Speeches in the Narrative Concerning Paul's Mission Journeys
3.1 The Fourth Group of the Topical Speeches
3.2 The Structural Speeches
4 The Speeches in the Narrative Concerning the Jerusalem Council
4.1 The Speech of Peter to the Council (Ac 7-11)
4.2 The Speech of James (Ac 15,13-21)
4.3 The Decree of the Jerusalem Council (Ac 15,23-29)
5 The Speeches in the Narrative Concerning Paul's Imprisonment
5.1 In Jerusalem (Ac 21, 17-23, 32).

5.2 In Caesarea (During the Time of Felix)
5.3 In Caesarea (During the Time of Festus)
6 The Voyage to Rome
6.1 The Ninth Group of the Topical Speeches
7 In Rome
7.1 The Tenth Group of the Topical Speeches
1 Primary Sources
2 Commentaries
3 Monographs and Articles
4 Dictionaries, Concordances, Introductions
5 General References
6 Other Reference Tools
Index of Biblical Passages
Index of Authors
Index of Speeches.

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