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Prelude: The CEO's Townhall
Section 1 The Basics of Diversity
DAY 1/99 Diversity and Inclusion Lexicon
DAY 2/99 What Does a Diverse Workplace Really Mean?
DAY 3/99 Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Dimensions of Diversity
DAY 4/99 Recognizing Differences
DAY 5/99 D&
I Game: Experiencing Diversity and Inclusion
DAY 6/99 Understanding Your Diversity Biodata
DAY 7/99 The Difference Between Diversity and Inclusion
DAY 8/99 How Is Diversity and Inclusion Beneficial?
DAY 9/99 What Is Cultural Blindness?
DAY 10/99 Crossword
Section 2 The Dimensions of Diversity
DAY 11/99 Diversity and Inclusion Lexicon
DAY 12/99 The Diversity Strand of Gender
DAY 13/99 The Diversity Strand of Generations
DAY 14/99 The Diversity Strand of LGBT
DAY 15/99 D&
I Game: Experiencing Diversity and Inclusion
DAY 16/99 Religious Diversity
DAY 17/99 Socio-Economic Diversity
DAY 18/99 Intersectional Diversity
DAY 19/99 Is a Unified Culture Possible in a Diverse Workplace?
DAY 20/99 Wordfinder
Section 3 Gender and Generations: Important Imperatives
DAY 21/99 Diversity and Inclusion Lexicon
DAY 22/99 Millennials
DAY 23/99 Age Diversity
DAY 24/99 Knowledge Transfer in Generational Diversity
DAY 25/99 D&
I Game: Experiencing Diversity and Inclusion
DAY 26/99 The First-Generation Indian Woman Professional
DAY 27/99 The Phenomenon of Second Careers for Women
DAY 28/99 Intentional Career Pathingfor Women
DAY 29/99 POSH: A Foundation
DAY 30/99 Crossword
Section 4 Initiating the Discussion Around Diversity
DAY 31/99 Diversity and Inclusion Lexicon
DAY 32/99 Problems of a Diverse Workplace
DAY 33/99 Diversity in a VUCA World
DAY 34/99 D&
I in Small and Medium Enterprises
DAY 35/99 D&.

I Game: Experiencing Diversity and Inclusion
DAY 36/99 Obtaining the Buy-in for a D&
I Agenda
DAY 37/99 Diversity and Team Development
DAY 38/99 Diversity and Problem-Solving
DAY 39/99 Diversity and Profitability
DAY 40/99 Wordfinder
Section 5 Demystifying Diversity in Your Workplace
DAY 41/99 Diversity and Inclusion Lexicon
DAY 42/99 Identifying Your D&
I Champion
DAY 43/99 Hallmarks of an Inclusive Colleague
DAY 44/99 Cognitive Diversity and Identity Diversity
DAY 45/99 D&
I Game: Experiencing Diversity and Inclusion
DAY 46/99 Social Justice and Inclusion
DAY 47/99 Buddy Systems and Inclusion
DAY 48/99 D&
I Metrics
DAY 49/99 D&
I Action Plans and Business Goals
DAY 50/99 Crossword
Section 6 The Role of Leadership and Strategy in Diversity and Inclusion
DAY 51/99 Diversity and Inclusion Lexicon
DAY 52/99 Interlude: The Tallest Lighthouses Cast the Longest Shadows
DAY 53/99 The CEO is the CIO
DAY 54/99 Creating an Inclusive Business Environment
DAY 55/99 D&
I Game: Experiencing Diversity and Inclusion
DAY 56/99 Objectives of a D&
I Agenda
DAY 57/99 Your D&
I Branding
DAY 58/99 Creating a D&
I Vision Statement
DAY 59/99 What Is the ROI on Diversity and Inclusion?
DAY 60/99 Wordfinder
Section 7 Actioning Your D&
I Vision
DAY 61/99 Diversity and Inclusion Lexicon
DAY 62/99 Elements of an Effective D&
I Plan
DAY 63/99 A Hierarchy of D&
I Priorities
DAY 64/99 How to Measure D&
I Progress?
DAY 65/99 D&
I Game: Experiencing Diversity and Inclusion
DAY 66/99 Competencies of D&
I Practitioners
DAY 67/99 Who are Your D&
I Role Models?
DAY 68/99 'Diversity Fatigue' Is Real
DAY 69/99 Diversity Audits and Benchmarks
DAY 70/99 Crossword.

Section 8 Biases and How to Find Them
DAY 71/99 Diversity and Inclusion Lexicon
DAY 72/99 Interlude: The Danger of Caring too Much
DAY 73/99 Understanding Your Biases
DAY 74/99 Filters of Perception
DAY 75/99 D&
I Game: Experiencing Diversity and Inclusion
DAY 76/99 Self-awareness and Inclusion
DAY 77/99 Inclusion Begins with 'I'
DAY 78/99 Blind Spots
DAY 79/99 Diversity Sensitization: The 'Why' of Inclusion
DAY 80/99 Wordfinder
Section 9 Creating Equity in the Workplace
DAY 81/99 Diversity and Inclusion Lexicon
DAY 82/99 Interlude: Bonsai Trees and Apple Boxes
DAY 83/99 Equity and Equality
DAY 84/99 Employee Resource Groups
DAY 85/99 D&
I Game: Experiencing Diversity and Inclusion
DAY 86/99 Language as a Diversity Fac tor
DAY 87/99 Inclusion and CSR
DAY 88/99 Inclusion and Respect
DAY 89/99 Is Your Hiring Inclusive?
DAY 90/99 Crossword
Section 10 Infusing the Spirit of Inclusion in Your Workplace
DAY 91/99 Diversity and Inclusion Lexicon
DAY 92/99 Inclusion and Flexibility
DAY 93/99 Work-Life Balance and Work-Life Integration
DAY 94/99 Men as Allies
DAY 95/99 The Superwoman Syndrome
DAY 96/99 Inclusion and the Salsa Culture
DAY 97/99 The Imposter Syndrome
DAY 98/99 Artificial Intelligence and Inclusion
DAY 99/99 The Inclusive Learning Organization
Epilogue: The Red Carpet
Answers to Crosswords
About the Author.

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