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Front Cover
About the Authors
Executive Summary
A Framework to Guide the Public Policy Response Aimed at Maximizing the Efficiency, Equity, and Environmental Sustainability of the Digital Transformation
Digital Technologies Offer Huge Opportunities
The Risks of a Digital Divide Remain Significant
Data Governance and Competition are Major Concerns
Realizing the Potential of Digital Technologies to Transform the Food System Will Require Carefully Crafted Public Policies and Investments
Plan of the Report
Part One Setting the Stag
Chapter One The Agrifood System's Digital Promise
Key Messages and Introduction
Unhealthy Economy
Unhealthy People
Unhealthy Planet
How can Digital Technologies Help Achieve a Healthy Economy, Healthy People, and a Healthy Planet?
Scope and Structure of the Report
Chapter Two Pathways for Digital Technologies to Change the Agrifood System
Key Messages and Introduction
Pathways for Improved Efficiency
Pathways for Improved Equity
Pathways for Improved Environmental Sustainability
Public Policy Entry Points for Accelerating Digital Transformation of the Agrifood System
Part Two The Agrifood System's Digital Transformatio
Chapter Three Transforming Agrifood Value Chains
Key Messages
On-Farm Digital Transformation
OFF-Farm Digital Transformation
Challenges for Adoption of Digital Technologies
Have Digital Technologies Boosted Equity and Environmental Sustainability in Agricultural Value Chains?
Environmental Sustainability
Chapter Four Transforming Rural Finance Markets
Key Messages
Barriers to Financial Inclusion
Pathways for Improved Efficiency, Equity, and Environmental Sustainability

Chapter Five Transforming Agricultural Policies
Key Messages
Role of Transaction Costs in Agricultural Policies
Digital Opportunities for Reducing Transaction Costs in Agricultural Policies
Key Barriers, Risks, and Implementation Considerations
Part Three Securing Gains from the Digital Transformation of the Agrifood System
Chapter Six Data's Possibilities and Risks
Key Messages
Data's Promise for Digital Transformation of the Agrifood System
Data-Related Challenges to Achieving the Promise of Digital Technologies
Chapter Seven Policies to Maximize the Gains Made through Digital Technologies
Key Messages
Policy Framework for Fostering Digital Transformation of the Agrifood System
Policies for Enabling Digital Transformation to Maximize Efficiency Gains
Policies Targeted at Maximizing Equity Outcomes of Digital Transformation
Policies Targeted at Maximizing Environmental Sustainability Outcomes of Digital Transformation
Part Four Appendixe
Appendix A The Digital Agriculture Profiling Tool
Appendix B The Agriculture Digitalization Index
Appendix C Mobile Coverage in Rural Areas
Appendix D Agriculture Digitalization Index Methodology
Appendix E Maximizing the Finance for Development Approach to Assess the Public Sector Role in Facilitating Broader Development and Adoption of Digital Technologies
Box 1.1 The Digital Revolution Is Different from Other Technological Revolutions because of the Characteristics of Digital Information and Digital Goods
Box 2.1 Impacts of Digital Agriculture on Input Industries
Box 2.2 Impacts of Digital Transformation on Agricultural Jobs
Box 2.3 Properties of Digital Information and Digital Goods Have Implications for Their Supply in Rural Areas.

Box 3.1 Case Studies of Tractor Hire and Drone Hire in India, Nigeria, and China
Box 3.2 Role of Distributed Ledger Technologies and Smart Contracts for Improved Traceability along the Agrifood Value Chains
Box 3.3 Digital Technologies for Sustainable Intensification in Uruguay
Box 4.1 Data Used to Generate Digital Credit Scores
Box 4.2  Publicly Available Remote-Sensing Data
Box 4.3  Remote Sensing to Predict Yield
Box 5.1 Lessons from Digitizing Agriculture Payments: From Colombia, Estonia, and Nigeria
Box 5.2 Good Practices for the Establishment of Farm Registries for Administration of Agriculture Support: Experiences from EU Member States
Box 6.1 Open Data Definition
Box 7.1 Measuring Good Regulatory Practices for Access to Digital Technologies in Rural Areas
Figure ES.1 Digital Technologies Allow Information to Flow MoreEasily across the Food System
Figure ES.2 The Structure of the Report
Figure 1.1 Digital Agriculture and Past Revolutions
Figure 2.1 Pathways for Digital Agriculture to Improve Efficiency, Equity, and Environmental Sustainability
Figure 2.2 Stages of the Agricultural Production Process and Information Needs
Figure 2.3 Transaction Costs and Risks in Agricultural Value Chains
Figure B2.2.1 Automation Potential across Different Sectors of the Economy
Figure 2.4 Enablers of Digital Innovation Ecosystems in the Agrifood System
Figure 4.1 Rural Credit
Figure 5.1 Policy-related Transaction Costs for the Provision of Budgetary Payments
Figure 5.2 Digital Technologies Can Reduce Transaction Costs along the Policy Cycle
Figure B5.2.1 Umbrella Farm Register in Austria
Figure 5.3 Digital Technologies Currently Used in the Policy Cycle.

Figure 7.1 Policy Framework for Fostering the Efficient, Equitable, and Environmentally Sustainable Digital Transformation of the Agrifood System
Figure 7.2 The Data Infrastructure for Agriculture
Figure A.1 Food System Hubs
Figure A.2 Example of EEE and PPP Framework Application
Map 2.1 Gender Gaps in Mobile Internet Use Are Wide in Low- and Middle-Income Countries, 2019
Map 4.1 Commercial Bank Branches per 100,000 People Worldwide
Map A.1 Digital Agriculture Availability Subindex
Map C.1 South Asia
Map C.2 Sub-Saharan Africa
Map C.3 Europe and Central Asia
Map C.4 Latin America and the Caribbean
Map C.5 Middle East and North Africa
Map C.6 East Asia and Pacific
Photo B3.3.1 Tagged Cow in Uruguay
Table 1.1 The Global Food System Is Large and Complex, with Many Actors
Table 3.1 Summary of the Impact of Digital Technologies on Farmgate Prices
Table 3.2 Factors in the Adoption of Digital Technologies
Table A.1 Efficiency Indicator Examples
Table A.2 Equity Indicator Examples
Table A.3 Environmental Indicator Examples
Table B.1 Agriculture Digitalization Index
Table D.1 Summary of Agricultural Digitalization Index
Table E.1 Potential Entry Points for Public Sector Actions.

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