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Front Cover
About the Authors
Chapter 1 Introduction and Overview
Why Does Assessment Matter?
What Are Large-Scale Assessments of Educational Achievement?
Why Are Large-Scale Assessments Important?
What Will You Learn from This Primer?
Annex 1A. Overview of Assessment Types
Additional Resources
Chapter 2 How Are Results from Large-Scale Assessments Used?
What Factors Affect the Use and Nonuse of Large-Scale Assessment Findings?
What Are Some Common Policy Implications of Large-Scale Assessment Findings?
Key Ideas
Chapter 3 What Resources Are Needed to Implement Large-Scale Assessments?
Who Is Involved in Planning a National Large-Scale Assessment?
How Much Does a National Large-Scale Assessment Cost?
Key Ideas
Chapter 4 What Are the Key Decisions in Designing Large-Scale Assessments?
Which Students Will Be Assessed?
Will the Assessment Be Census Based or Sample Based?
How Frequently Will the Assessment Be Administered?
What Content Will the Assessment Cover?
What Item Formats Will Be Used?
In Which Language(s) Will the Assessment Be Administered?
Will the Assessment Include a Background Questionnaire?
How Will the Assessment Be Administered?
What Should Be Included in the Test Administration Manual?
How Should Students with Special Education Needs Be Assessed?
Does the Assessment Need to Be Adapted over Time?
What Other Technical Decisions Should Be Considered when Planning the Next Large-Scale Assessment Study?
Key Ideas
Chapter 5 What Needs to Be Kept in Mind for the Implementation of Large-Scale Assessments?
What Are the Main Considerations for Implementation?.

What Are Some Important Issues to Consider during the Assessment Administration?
Key Ideas
Chapter 6 What Are the Critical Steps in the Analysis of Large-Scale Assessment Data?
How Are Tests and Questionnaires Scored and Coded?
What Are Sampling Weights?
What Are Common Ways to Describe Student Achievement?
What Are Some Basic Analyses to Determine Which Factors Affect Student Achievement?
What Are Test Score Validity and Reliability?
Should Assessment Data, Codebooks, and Technical Reports Be Made Publicly Available?
Key Ideas
Chapter 7 How Can Effective Communication of Large-Scale Assessment Results Be Ensured?
What Are Some Key Guidelines for Reporting Results?
What Should Be Covered in the Main Report of Large-Scale Assessment Results?
What Are Other Ways to Communicate Large-Scale Assessment Results?
Key Ideas
Chapter 8 What Are the Main International Large-Scale Student Assessments?
Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study
Progress in International Reading Literacy Study
Programme for International Student Assessment
Annex 8A. Overview of Key Features
International Assessment Organization Websites
Chapter 9 What Are the Main Regional Large-Scale Student Assessments?
Southern and Eastern Africa Consortium for Monitoring Educational Quality
Programme d'Analyse des Systèmes Éducatifs de la CONFEMEN
Laboratorio Latinoamericano de Evaluación de la Calidad de la Educación
Pacific Islands Literacy and Numeracy Assessment
Southeast Asia Primary Learning Metrics
Regional Assessment Organization Websites
Glossary of Technical Terms
Box 1.1. A Quick Approach to Distinguishing among the Three Assessment Types
Box 1.2. Key Questions That Large-Scale Assessments Answer.

Box 2.1. Importance of Stakeholder Involvement: Latin America and New Zealand
Box 2.2. Alignment of Large-Scale Assessment Content and the National Curriculum in Ghana
Box 2.3. Domain Coverage Using a Rotated Booklet Design: Mexico
Box 2.4. Role of Background Information in the Lao People's Democratic Republic National Assessment
Box 2.5. Investing in Technical Expertise in Indonesia
Box 2.6. Communicating National Large-Scale Assessment Results in Peru
Box 2.7. Use of National Large-Scale Assessment Results to Monitor Learning Goals in Brazil
Box 2.8. Educational Reform in Nepal Using the 2018 National Assessment of Student Achievement
Box 2.9. Motivating Curricular Reform Using International Large-Scale Assessments in Jordan
Box 2.10. Using Large-Scale Assessment Results to Provide Feedback for Classroom Practice in Argentina
Box 3.1. Saudi Arabia's Education and Training Evaluation Commission
Box 3.2. Malaysia's Ministry of Education and the Malaysian Examinations Syndicate
Box 3.3. Role of Centro de Medición MIDE UC of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile in Supporting National and International Large-Scale Assessment Initiatives
Box 3.4. Cost of Mexico's National Assessment as Percentage of Federal Budget for Education
Box 4.1. Sample-Based Assessment in the United States
Box 4.2. Census- and Sample-Based Assessments: Chile and Brazil
Box 4.3. Content Covered by Nepal's National Assessment of Student Achievement, Grade 5, Nepali Language and Mathematics Assessments, 2018
Box 4.4. Item Writing Guidelines
Box 4.5. The Importance of Item Piloting
Box 4.6. Republic of Korea's National Assessment of Educational Achievement Structure and Main Changes over Time
Box 6.1. Example of an Item and Its Codebook Information
Box 6.2. Scoring Rubrics.

Box 7.1. Features That a National Large-Scale Assessment Can Highlight
Box 7.2. Policy Implications of National Large-Scale Assessment Results in the Republic of Korea
Box 7.3. Online Dissemination of National Large-Scale Assessment Findings in Peru
Box 8.1. How Much Does It Cost to Participate in an International Large-Scale Assessment? Why Participate?
Box 8.2. Sample of Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study 2019 Key Findings
Box 8.3. Other Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study Assessments
Box 8.4. Experience of the Russian Federation with the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study
Box 8.5. Sample of Progress in International Reading Literacy Study 2016 Key Findings
Box 8.6. Other Progress in International Reading Literacy Study Assessments
Box 8.7. Georgia's Experience with the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study
Box 8.8. Other Programme for International Student Assessment Assessments
Box 8.9. Translation and Adaptation of International Large-Scale Assessments
Box 9.1. Areas Assessed in Programme d'Analyse des Systèmes Éducatifs de la CONFEMEN 2014
Box 9.2. Content Domains and Cognitive Processes Assessed in the Third Laboratorio Latinoamericano de Evaluación de la Calidad de la Educación Reading Assessment
Box 9.3. Content Domains and Cognitive Processes Assessed in the Third Laboratorio Latinoamericano de Evaluación de la Calidad de la Educación Mathematics Assessment
Box 9.4. Content Domains and Cognitive Processes Assessed in the Third Laboratorio Latinoamericano de Evaluación de la Calidad de la Educación Science Assessment
Box 9.5. Cognitive Processes Assessed in the Southeast Asia Primary Learning Metrics 2019 Mathematical Literacy Assessment.

Box 9.6. The Text Types and Cognitive Processes Assessed in the Southeast Asia Primary Learning Metrics 2019 Reading Literacy Assessment
Box 9.7. Examples of Global Citizenship Subdomains Measured in the Southeast Asia Primary Learning Metrics 2019 Assessment
Figure 2.1. Programme for International Student Assessment: Percentage of Low-Achieving Students and Top Performers in Reading, 2009 and 2018
Figure 2.2. Programme for International Student Assessment Trends in Colombia: 2006-18
Figure 3.1. Chile's National Assessment Agency Organizational Chart
Figure 4.1. Open-Ended Reading Literacy Item from Southeast Asia Primary Learning Metrics, 2019
Figure 4.2. Example of Multiple-Choice Reading Literacy Item from Southeast Asia Primary Learning Metrics, 2019
Figure 5.1. National Large-Scale Assessment: Student Tracking Form
Figure 5.2. Example of a Test Administration Form
Figure 6.1. Results of Chile's National Large-Scale Assessment, According to State
Figure 6.2. Peru's National Large-Scale Assessment Results, According to Rural versus Urban Location, 2016 and 2018
Figure 7.1. Comparison of Student Subgroups from India's 2015 National Achievement Survey
Figure 7.2. Comparison of Response Profiles for Low- and High-Performing States on India's 2017 National Achievement Survey
Figure 7.3. Comparison of Class V Mean Student Performance in Language, According to State, from India's 2017 National Achievement Survey
Figure 8.1. Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study 2019 Grade 4 Performance, According to International Benchmarks of Mathematics Achievement
Figure 8.2. Progress in International Reading Literacy Study 2016 Performance, According to International Benchmarks of Reading Achievement.

Figure 8.3. Programme for International Student Assessment 2018 Distribution of Average Reading, Mathematics, and Science Scores.

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