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Preliminary remarks
List of abbreviations
List of publications
Declaration of contribution as co-author
Chapter 1 General Introduction
1 Polyphenols
2 Anthocyanins
2.3 Physiological properties
3 Synthesis of phase II metabolites
3.1 Enzymatic synthesis
3.2 Chemical synthesis
3.3 Microbial synthesis
4 Analysis and Characterization of the metabolites
4.1 UV/Vis spectra
4.2 Mass spectrometry
4.3 Purification
5 Aims of the thesis
Chapter 2 Hemisynthesis of Anthocyanin Phase II Metabolites byPorcine Liver Enzymes
1 Introduction
2 Materials and methods
2.1 Chemicals
2.2 Isolation of anthocyanins
2.3 Preparation of liver fractions
2.4 Incubation
3 Results and discussion
3.1 Methylation
3.2 Glucuronidation
3.3 Sulfation
3.4 Multiple Conversions
4 References
Chapter 3 Chemical Hemisynthesis of Sulfated Cyanidin-3-OGlucosideand Cyanidin Metabolites
1 Introduction
2 Results and discussion
2.1 Cyanidin Sulfates
2.2 Cyanidin-3-O-Glucoside Sulfates
2.3 Challenges
2.4 Human Pilot Study
3 Materials and methods
3.1 Chemicals
3.2 Hemisynthesis of Sulfated Metabolites
3.3 LC-MS-Analysis
3.4 Study Design and Analysis of Urine
4 Conclusions
5 References
Chapter 4 Methylation of Cyanidin-3-O-Glucoside with DimethylCarbonat e
1 Introduction
2 Results and discussion
2.1 First Observations
2.2 Experimental Design
2.3 Increase in Solvation of Anthocyanins
2.4 Identification
3 Materials and methods
3.1 Chemicals
3.2 Hemisynthesis
3.3 LC-MS Analysis
4 Conclusion
5 References
Chapter 5 Concluding remarks
1 Impact of contributions
2 Remaining challenges and future directions
3 References

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