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List of figures
Figure 1.1 Quality of infrastructure in Asia, 2019
Figure 1.2 Trade costs of Asia and Pacific subregions with large developed economies, 1995-2017
Figure 1.3 Logistics Performance Index, Asia's subregions, 2007, 2012, 2018
Figure 1.4 Logistics Performance Index dimensions: Asia, 2007, 2012, 2018
Figure 1.5 Distance to 'best-performer frontier' in trading across borders by region, 2019
Figure 1.6 Time and cost to export and import, Asia's subregions, 2014 and 2019
Figure 1.7 Asia-Pacific Regional Cooperation and Integration Index: Asia and Asia's subregions, 2006-17
Figure 1.8 Dimensional subindexes to the Asia-Pacific Regional Cooperation and Integration Index: Asia's subregions, 2017
Figure 1.9 Dimensional contributions to the Asia-Pacific Regional Cooperation and Integration Index: Asia and Asia's subregions, 2006 versus 2017
Figure 2.1 BRI-related transport projects by 2018
Figure 2.2 Number of China-Europe Railway Express trains, 2011-18
Figure 2.3 Average decline in shipping time by economy: Lower bound
Figure 2.4 Average decline in shipping time by economy: Upper bound
Figure 2.5 Internet users and access to mobile broadband, 2018
Figure 2.6 Average decline in trade costs by economy: Lower bound
Figure 2.7 Average decline in trade costs by economy: Upper bound
Figure 2.8 Export-promoting effects of BRI infrastructure improvements: Upper bound
Figure 2.9 Trade-promoting effects of BRI infrastructure improvements and policy coordination
Figure 2.10 Trade facilitation scores for the BRI economic corridors, 2013 and 2018
Figure 2.11 Structure of BRI corridor economies' trade networks, 2003
Figure 2.12 Structure of BRI corridor economies' trade networks, 2017
Figure 2.13 Promotion effects on FDI of BRI infrastructure improvements.

Figure 2.14 Relationship between Corruption Perception Index and Rule of Law Index for BRI economies, 2017
Figure 2.15 Control of Corruption scores for the BRI economies, 2018
Figure 2.16 BRI road and railway projects in relation to biodiversity risks
Figure 3.1 GMS economic corridors
Figure 3.2 Landsat mission schedule
Figure 3.3 Data-processing steps
Figure 3.4 Changes in border export and import values
Figure 3.5 Cross-border traffic volume
Figure 3.6 Year-on-year change in built-up area expansion
Figure 3.7 Year-on-year change in GPP
Figure 3.8a Location of newly created built-up areas in 2000 (second bridge)
Figure 3.8b Location of newly created built-up areas in 2004 (second bridge)
Figure 3.8c Location of newly created built-up areas in 2005 (second bridge)
Figure 3.8d Location of newly created built-up areas in 2009 (second bridge)
Figure 3.9 Radius analysis for Mukdahan and Savannakhet (second bridge)
Figure 3.10 Annual increase in built-up area in Mukdahan and Savannakhet (second bridge)
Figure 3.11a Location of new built-up areas in 2000 (third bridge)
Figure 3.11b Location of new built-up areas in 2005 (third bridge)
Figure 3.11c Location of new built-up areas in 2010 (third bridge)
Figure 3.11d Location of new built-up areas in 2015 (third bridge)
Figure 3.12 Radius analysis for Nakhon Phanom and Khammouan (third bridge)
Figure 3.13 Annual increase in built-up area in Nakhon Phanom and Khammouan (third bridge)
Figure 4.1 Individuals using the internet in selected Southeast Asian economies (percentage of population)
Figure 4.2 E-commerce adoption by country, 2017
Figure 4.3 Telecommunications, computer and information services trade, ASEAN member countries.

Figure 4.4 Digital adoption by individuals, governments and businesses relative to world average, ASEAN member countries
Figure 4.5 Broadband internet penetration in ASEAN member countries (percentage of population)
Figure 4.6 Digital payments use is still relatively limited
Figure 4.7 Logistics performance indicators: Selected key indicators, 2018
Figure 4.8 Digital IDs in the digital economy ecosystem
Figure 5.1 Increase in trade connections: Whole of Thailand
Figure 5.2 Increase in trade connections by region in Thailand
Figure 5.3 Sankey diagram: Own region versus outside own region-before e-commerce
Figure 5.4 Sankey diagram: Own region versus outside own region-after e-commerce
Figure 5.5 Waterfall chart: Decomposing into extensive versus intensive margins
Figure 5.6 Share of trade connection increase based on extensive versus intensive margins
Figure 5.7 Impact on household income from e-commerce by region
Figure 6.1 Active users of Alipay and WeChat, 2013-18 (million persons)
Figure 6.2 Transaction volume of mobile payments in China (RMB trillion)
Figure 6.3 Rapid regional convergence of fintech development, 2011
Figure 6.4 Rapid regional convergence of fintech development, 2018
Figure 6.5 Return rates on term deposits and Yu'e Bao (per cent)
List of boxes and tables
Box 1 Master Plan of ASEAN Connectivity
Table 1.1 Pairwise Pearson correlation coefficients of ARCII dimensional indexes, 2006-16
Table 1.2 Generalised method of moments estimation results: Growth regressions
Table 1.3 Generalised method of moments estimation results: Inequality regressions
Table 1.4 Generalised method of moments estimation results: Poverty regressions
Appendix Table 1.1 ARCII dimensions and indicators.

Appendix Table 1.2 Variables in growth, inequality and poverty regressions: Description and sources
Appendix Table 1.3 Control variables in growth, poverty and inequality regressions
Table 2.1 Average pre-BRI shipping time within and between regions, 2013
Table 2.2 Changes in BRI regional trade flows
Table 2.3 Changes in upstream dependence of the BRI economies on North America, Western Europe and China, 2010-17 (per cent)
Table 2.4 Changes in the downstream influence of North America, Western Europe and China on the BRI economies, 2010-17 (per cent)
Table 2.5 Sovereign credit risk ratings of the BRI countries and regions, 2017-18
Table 3.1 Thailand-Laos friendship bridges
Table 3.2 High-level indicators for local urbanisation
Table 3.3 Examples of the various bands in Landsat 5 and 8
Table 3.4 Final satellite imagery data source
Table 4.1 Digital economy foundations at a glance
Table 4.2 Digital economy indicators in selected Southeast Asian countries
Table 4.3 High-level digital skills categories
Table 4.4 Legal frameworks in ASEAN countries for electronic transactions, data protection, privacy and online purchases
Table 4.5 Policy priorities summary for developing Southeast Asian countries
Table 5.1 All Thai SMEs versus our sample
Table 5.2 Summary statistics
Table 5.3 Change in household income after entering e-commerce
Table 5.4 Impact on sellers (Group A)
Table 5.5 Change in employment after adopting e-commerce (Group A)
Table 5.6 Impact on sellers (Group B)
Table 5.7 Share of sellers selling outside own region (per cent)
Table 5.8 Average number of trade connections
Table 5.9 Share of households reporting an increase in income, by region (per cent)
Table 5.10 Use of profits
Table 5.11 Motivation for entering into e-commerce.

Table 6.1 Main policy documents on mobile payments in China
Table 7.1 OECD FDI Regulatory Restrictiveness Index
Table 7.2 Infrascope Index scores, 2018
1. Infrastructure connectivity and regional integration in Asia and the Pacific: Evidence from a new index of economic integration
2. China's Belt and Road Initiative: Contributions to connectivity
3. The connectivity of the Greater Mekong Subregion: A view from the sky
4. The digital economy in Southeast Asia: Emerging policy priorities and opportunities for regional collaboration
5. Connecting locals to locals: Market discovery through e-commerce
6. Digital connectivity in China and Asia: The case of mobile payments
7. The investment agenda.

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