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Christian Gates St-Pierre, Markus Wild, Beverly A. Thurber, and Stephen Rhodes
Osseous arrowheads in the Iron Age of the Upper Ganga Plains
A typo-technological study of bone artifacts from Agiabir, India (c. 2300-600 BC/BCE)
Ravi Shankar, Pramod P. Joglekar, Sharada Channarayapatna, and Ashok Kumar Singh
Magnifying the differences: Investigating variability in Dorset Paleo-Inuit organic material culture using microscopic analysis
Matilda I. Siebrecht, Sean P. A. Desjardins, Sarah M. Hazell, Susan Lofthouse, Elsa Cencig, Kathryn Kotar, Peter D. Jordan, and Annelou van Gijn
Antler as raw material among hunter-gatherer groups from the Pampean Region (Argentina)
Natacha Buc, Alejandro A. Acosta, and Lucía T. Rombolá
Osseous artifacts from the Maros-culture necropolis at Ostojićevo (northern Serbia)
Selena Vitezović
An antler workshop in a Germanic settlement in Nitra, Slovakia
Gertrúda Březinová and Erik Hrnčiarik
The worked bone and tooth assemblage from Piaçaguera: Insights and challenges
Daniela Klokler
Traceological evaluation of bone instruments as an indirect indicator: Rebuilding textile technology during the Ceramic period on Mocha Island (Chile)
Helga Inostroza Rojas
A microscopic view of Maya needle and perforator production at Ucanal, Guatemala
Carolyn Freiwald, Christina Halperin, Camille Dubois-Francoeur, Caroline Schlinsog, and Kimberly A. Bauer
Warm it up! Using experimental archaeology to test shark teeth extraction hypotheses
Simon-Pierre Gilson and Andrea Lessa
Crafting white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) bone and antler at Cerro Juan Díaz (LS-3), Greater Coclé Culture Area, Panama
María Fernanda Martínez-Polanco, Olman Solís Alpízar, Luis Alberto Sánchez Herrera, Máximo Jiménez Acosta, and Richard G. Cooke.

Preliminary spatial analysis of the morphologically identifiable bone tools from an Early Bronze Age III domestic building in a residential neighborhood house at Tell eṣ-Ṣâfi/Gath (Stratum E5c)
Sarah J. Richardson, Haskel J. Greenfield, Tina L. Greenfield, and Aren M. Maeir
A Woodland-period bone tool industry on the northern Gulf of Mexico coastal plain
Gregory A. Waselkov, Sarah E. Price, Alexandra Stenson, Carla S. Hadden, and Long Dinh
The many dimensions of a bone
Marie-Ève Boisvert, Claire St-Germain, and Christian Gates St-Pierre
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