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Front Cover
About the Authors
Executive Summary
1 Introduction
2 The Digital Paradox in the Middle East and North Africa and the Upside of Digital Technologies
3 Framework for Understanding the Upside of the Digital Economy
4 How Digital Technologies Help to Overcome Market Frictions
Overcoming Frictions due to Information Asymmetries on Ride-Hailing Platforms
Overcoming Transport Frictions: IT Sector and Mobility Barriers in West Bank
Tourism Demand: Overcoming Frictions Associated with Geography and Language Barriers
5 The Upside of Digital: Empirical Framework and Results
Lower-Bound Estimates of the Upside of the Digital Economy
Gains in GDP per Capita
Gains in Revenue Productivity and Employment in Manufacturing
Gains in Tourism and Hospitality Industry Jobs
Reductions in Unemployment and Increases in Female Labor Force Participation
Summary of the Upside Impact of Digital Technologies
6 Three Foundational Pillars of the Digital Economy
Digital Infrastructure
Digital Payments
Regulations for E-commerce
7 Addressing Challenges and Mitigating Risks
Liberalization and Competition as Drivers of Mobile Digital Data Technology Adoption
Competition in the Digital Services Market
Risk Associated with Digital Social Media
Data Governance
Data Privacy in Managing the COVID-19 Pandemic
8 Summary and Conclusions
Appendix A: Modeling the Relationship between Digital Payments, Bank Regulation, and Banking System Development
Appendix B: Benchmark Regressions: Graphs and Statistics
Appendix C: Description of New Mobile Data Technology Adoption Rankings

Box 5.1 Empirical Framework for Estimating the Upside of Digital Technologies
Box 7.1 Four Main Data Governance Paradigms
Figure 2.1 Penetration of Facebook Accounts and Use of Digital Payments, by Region
Figure 2.2 Correlation between Transparency, Trust, and Use of Digital Payments Worldwide
Figure 3.1 Framework for Understanding the Interactions between the Development of Digital Infrastructure, Use of Digital Tools, and Societal Trust in Government
Figure 4.1 Share of Drivers Working Each Week in the Arab Republic of Egypt, by Driver Quality, 2018
Figure 4.2 Volume of Orders for Courier or Delivery Services in Jakarta, Indonesia, by Gender of the Driver, 2020
Figure 4.3 Change in Demand for Tourism Services, by Determinant
Figure 5.1 Simulated Schedules for Diffusion of Digital Technology, 2017-50: Linear, Concave, and Logit Functions
Figure 5.2 The Upside of Digital: Cumulative Gains in GDP per Capita in the Middle East and North Africa and in Sub-Saharan Africa, 2017-45
Figure 5.3 Digital Adoption and Export Complementarities: The Issue of Targeting
Figure 5.4 Cumulative Gains in Revenue Productivity in Formal Manufacturing Enterprises in the Middle East and North Africa and in Sub-Saharan Africa, with Perfect Targeting and with No Targeting
Figure 5.5 Employment Gains from Website Adoption in the Middle East and North Africa and in ­Sub-Saharan Africa, with Perfect Targeting and with No Targeting
Figure 5.6 Estimated Gains in Tourist Arrivals due to the Adoption of B2C Tools in the Middle East and North Africa and in Sub-Saharan Africa, 2017-47
Figure 5.7 Estimated Gains in Tourism-Related Employment due to B2C Digital Technology Adoption in the Middle East and North Africa and in Sub-Saharan Africa, 2017-47.

Figure 5.8 Decline in Unemployment due to the Diffusion of Digital Payments in the Middle East and North Africa and in Sub-Saharan Africa, 2017-33
Figure 5.9 Correlation between Digital Payments and Female Labor Force Participation, 2017
Figure 5.10 Potential Increase in Female Labor Force Participation Rates from the Diffusion of Digital Payments in the Middle East and North Africa and in Sub-Saharan Africa, 2017-49
Figure 6.1 Benchmarking the Regulatory Framework for E-commerce, by Country Income Level
Figure 7.1 Mobile Technology Adoption Rankings in the Middle East and North Africa and in Sub-Saharan Africa, 1981-2019
Figure 7.2 ICT Regulatory Authority Independence Index in the Middle East and North Africa and in Sub-Saharan Africa and by Country Income Group, 2017
Figure 7.3 Share of Liberalized Countries in the Middle East and North Africa and in Sub-Saharan Africa, 2000-18
Figure 7.4 Share of Foreign Participation in the Middle East and North Africa and in Sub-Saharan Africa, 2000-18
Figure B.1 Coverage of Information and Communication Technology Infrastructure in the Middle East and North Africa and Rest of the World, by GDP per Capita, 2019
Figure B.2 Facebook and Internet Use in the Middle East and North Africa and Rest of the World, by GDP per Capita
Figure B.3 Digital Payments and Online Purchases in the Middle East and North Africa and Rest of the World, by GDP per Capita
Figure B.4 Use of Financial Accounts in the Middle East and North Africa and Rest of the World, by GDP per Capita, 2017
Figure B.5 Download Speeds in the Middle East and North Africa and Rest of the World, by GDP per Capita, 2019
Figure B.6 User Prices of Data in the Middle East and North Africa and Rest of the World, by GDP per Capita, 2019.

Figure C.1 Mobile Technology Adoption Rankings in the Middle East and North Africa and in Sub-Saharan Africa, 1981-2019
Figure C.2 ICT Regulatory Authority Independence Index in the Middle East and North Africa and in Sub-Saharan Africa and by Country Income Group, 2017
Figure C.3 Share of Liberalized Countries in the Middle East and North Africa and in Sub-Saharan Africa, 2000-18
Figure C.4 Share of Foreign Participation in the Middle East and North Africa and in Sub-Saharan Africa, 2000-18
Table 4.1 Change in Industry Shares of GDP in the Presence of Mobility Restrictions in West Bank, 1995-2017
Table 4.2 Simulated Change in GDP in the Presence of Mobility Restrictions
Table 7.1 Technology Adoption, Liberalization, and Regulatory Independence
Table 7.2 Data Stewardship in a Data Governance Framework
Table 7.3 Regulation on Data Privacy in the Middle East and North Africa
Table A.1 Relationships between Banking Restrictions, Financial Development, and Digital Payments
Table A.2 Description of Variables
Table B.1 ICT Infrastructure Coverage
Table B.2 ICT Adoption-Digital Finance
Table B.3 ICT Adoption-Enterprises and E-commerce
Table B.4 ICT Enablers-E-Government Development Index Subindexes
Table B.5 ICT Enablers-Quality of Institutions.

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