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January: ISIL carries out attacks across the globe. Director of national intelligence declassifies report on Russian interference in 2016 U.S. election. Gambian election throws nation into political crisis. Donald J. Trump sworn in as 45th President of the United States. President Trump issues immigration orders. Neil Gorsuch confirmed and sworn in as Supreme Court Justice
February: United Nations and Myanmar leaders respond to Rohingya crisis. Officials respond to strikes in Brazil; Temer refutes corruption charges. United Nations agencies respond to worsening famine in South Sudan. NASA and SpaceX announce milestones in space exploration; Congress sets timeline for mission to Mars. President Trump addresses a joint session of Congress; Democratic response
March: International community responds to political upheaval in Venezuela. United Nations and United States issue sanctions against North Korea. House and Senate vote on Affordable Care Act repeal. British Prime Minister triggers exit from European Union
April: Turkish president responds to referendum and state of emergency. President Trump, United Nations respond to chemical attack in Syria. U.S. airstrikes in Afghanistan; Pentagon sends additional troops
May: FBI Director fired, testifies before Congress. Leaders of France, Germany, and the UK respond to national elections. Former FBI Director Robert Mueller appointed special counsel on U.S. election-Russia investigation, issues indictments. Supreme Court rules on gerrymandering. Philippine president establishes martial law. Same-sex marriage legalized in Taiwan, Germany, Malta, and Australia
June: United States withdraws from the Paris Climate Accord. Two states file emoluments lawsuit against President Trump. UNHCR issues report on global migrants. Supreme Court rules on Arkansas birth certificate law. Supreme Court rules on parochial schools and grant money
July: Qatari diplomatic crisis. President Trump, prime minister Abadi remark on liberation of Mosul. Controversial court reforms in Poland. President Trump announces transgender military ban. Pakistan prime minister removed from office
August: U.S. government seeks to impose new immigration limits. South African political parties issue statements on no confidence vote against President Zuma. Sonic attacks on U.S. diplomats in Cuba suspected. Neo-Nazi protest in Charlottesville. United Nations responds to flooding in India, Nepal, and Bangladesh. President Trump, Vice President Pence visit Texas, Florida, and Puerto Rico after hurricanes
September: Kenyan court discounts election results. Census Bureau releases annual report on poverty in the United States. President Trump addresses the United Nations
October: Government officials respond to Catalan independence referendum. Federal leaders respond to mass shooting in Las Vegas. British Prime Minister, European Union leaders remark on continuation of Brexit negotiations. Decertification of Iranian nuclear deal. 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China held. President Trump declares public health crisis; drug commission releases findings. Liberian president, president-elect remark on first democratic transfer of power
November: Saudi government announces anti-corruption committee, arrests public and private leaders. Democratic Governors Association, candidates, and election officials remark on special election outcomes. Zimbabwean military announces bloodless takeover; Mugabe resigns; African Union responds. U.S. Department of Justice sues to block AT & T and Time Warner merger
December: U.S. lawmakers resign amid sexual misconduct allegations. United States recognizes Jerusalem as Israel's capital. UN peacekeepers killed in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. International campaign to abolish nuclear weapons awarded 2017 Nobel Peace Prize. Federal Communications Commission overturns net neutrality. Members of Congress, President Trump remark on tax code overhaul.

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