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Table of Contents
1. Introduction: The Genealogy of Linearity
2. Nietzsche's Bequest: Buddha's Shadow and the 'Greatest Burden'
3. The Birth of Circularity: Strindberg, Stein and Azorn̕ 4. 'Vivir es Volver': Queneau, Nabokov and Kharms
5. Circulus Vitiosus Litterae : Joyce, Borges and the Theatre of the Absurd
6. Circular Echoes: Robbe-Grillet, Calvino, Cortz̀ar and Blanchot
7. Conclusion
1. Introduction: The Genealogy of Linearity
2. Nietzsche's Bequest: Buddha's Shadow and the 'Greatest Burden'
3. The Birth of Circularity: Strindberg, Stein and Azorn̕ 4. 'Vivir es Volver': Queneau, Nabokov and Kharms
5. Circulus Vitiosus Litterae : Joyce, Borges and the Theatre of the Absurd
6. Circular Echoes: Robbe-Grillet, Calvino, Cortz̀ar and Blanchot
7. Conclusion