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Table of Contents
Becoming a planetary citizen
Views from Titan, Tralfamadore, and the Blue Tunnel : writing for a "salubrious blue-green orb"
A Hoosier's symphony of place : from fresh water to salt water to quartz porcupine quills
Apocalyptic landscapes : Cat's cradle, Slapstick, and Gal̀pagos
Midland City : asphalt prairies, drug stores, and racism at breakfast time
M-17 houses, EPICAC, and Wolfgang
What are people for? : Communities, pacifism, and secular humanism.
Views from Titan, Tralfamadore, and the Blue Tunnel : writing for a "salubrious blue-green orb"
A Hoosier's symphony of place : from fresh water to salt water to quartz porcupine quills
Apocalyptic landscapes : Cat's cradle, Slapstick, and Gal̀pagos
Midland City : asphalt prairies, drug stores, and racism at breakfast time
M-17 houses, EPICAC, and Wolfgang
What are people for? : Communities, pacifism, and secular humanism.